Chapter 1

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Trumpets played in the courtroom as the large oak doors to the luxurious room opened, standing in the doorway stood a woman of pale complexion, long dark ravenous hair and piercing emerald eyes wearing a forest green gown accompanied by a matching head dress.

At the other end of the room stood a tall woman, the same pale complexion, long honey brown hair wearing an obsidian black gown with a diamond encrusted crown at a large mahogany throne.

The courtroom was crowded with knights, Lords, Barons and royal servants. The trumpets stopped playing as everyone's attention was drawn to the lady that at the doorway.

"May I present Lady Lena of Camelot." A man dressed in the crest of Camelot and black feathered hat announced. The room erupted in with applause as the Lady Lena made her way gracefully down red rugged aisle in the middle room, every person she passed bowed down at her presence.

Lena stood in front of her Mother, Queen Lillian, and bowed, "For centuries the knights of Camelot have fought to protect Camelot, it's Kings, it's Queens and it's people. It is an honour and a service many long for but only a few get to have," Lillian began as she looked down onto her daughter who stood kneeling before her, "These men and women who not only bring honour to themselves but to their families as well. Many a knight have seen taken and tortured by our enemies but many brave knights still stand strong in the face of evil."

A man stood beside Lillian holding a red velvet pillow upon it lay the accolade sword, Lillian took the sword, "And today we are here to celebrate a new knight, who has proven her worthiness in battle to be a knight of Camelot. Lena do you solemnly swear to protect Camelot and it's people for as long as you may live?" Lillian asked as she stood with sword in front of her.

Lena nodded her head, "I do." She said as she raised her head to look up at her mother.

"Do you swear to hold all of Camelot's laws and values to your heart and enforced those values when needs be?" The Queen asked raising the sword above the dark haired girl's head.

Lena again nodded, "Yes, I do." She confirmed as she took a deep breath in.

Lillian smiled, "Is there anyone here today that would object to Lady Lena Luthor being knighted?" She asked as she looked around the room to her subjects, everyone shook their heads and the smile on Lena's face grew, "Then I do declare that Lady Lena Luthor a Knight of Camelot." The Queen finished as she gently placed the sword on both of Lena's shoulders, "Rise Knight of Camelot."

Lena stood up and turned to the room full of people, clapping and cheering could be heard through out the room as she stood tall and proud. She began to walk down the aisle, many congratulations were thrown her way from various people she passed. When she came to the doors she was met by her personal maid, Jess.

"I'm so proud of you M'lady." Jess said with a bow as she stood holding a tray with a goblet of wine. Having a isolated childhood Lena didn't have many friends other than her now deceased brother Lex and her personal maid Jess. When Lex was killed by a neighbouring kingdom Jess became Lena's only friend.

Lena gave the maid a smile, "Thank you Jess. I wouldn't have done it with out you." Lena thanked as she took the goblet from the tray, "Join me in feat!" Lena announced to the rest of the room as she raised her goblet. Everyone else raised their's as well in agreement as they made their way to the banquet hall.

Everyone that was joining the banquet stood behind their seats as Lillian and Lena entered the room, they sat at the head of the room, "May the banquet commence." Lillian said as she and her daughter took their seats at the table.

And everyone did, they feast commenced. Jess brought Lena's plate of various foods, she was thanked and Lena started to join in the celebration of her knighthood.

In the corner of the room stood Alex Danvers with bobbed auburn hair in a navy blue robe, who was the Court Physician, and Kara Danvers, a long honey blonde haired girl with glasses wearing a red shirt with brown trousers, "If she's a princess then why does she need to be a knight? Isn't it like a step down from being a Princess?" Kara asked Alex in confusion as she stood holding a tray full of drinks.

Alex smiled at the younger girl, "In Camelot becoming a knight shows that you are willing to die for this kingdom. So when the time comes for Lena to become Queen if she's not a knight then it gives the impression she's not willing to sacrifice herself for the good of the kingdom." Alex explained to Kara.

Kara only made an oh sound in understanding what the older girl meant, "You know I met her at the market the other day." Kara said and the brunette looked at her to continue, "She bumped into me and told me to watch were I was going. Then I told her it was her fault and she said and I quote, 'A peasant like you shouldn't be speaking to someone me.' Arrogant bit-"

Kara was about to finished when Alex quickly interrupted her, "Don't let anyone hear you say that or Lillian will have your head on a stick. Just go pass the wine around and try stay out of trouble." Alex said in disbelief at how the blonde acts at times. She gently pushed Kara further into the room to refill drinks.

As the blonde was finishing pouring one of the Lords drinks she began to back away but her foot caught in the leg of the very large table, she tried to balance herself but it was too late. The jug of wine fell from her grip with all the wine spilling on the one person it shouldn't have.

Lady Lena.

The room went silent as everyone looked towards Kara and Lena. Kara's face going as red as the wine and Lena's gown staining the colour of the wine.

"What is the meaning of this!" Lena exclaimed as she stood up from her chair, wine dripping down the rest of her gown, staring at Kara with fury.

The blonde fixed her glasses, "I-I'm so, so sorry M'Lady. It was a complete accident." Kara began to stutter as she took a rag from her trouser pocket and started dabbing at the the stains on Lena's green, now red, gown.

"Arrest her, now." Lena said through greeted teeth and two court guards came up behind the blonde and held her hands behind her back.

Alex came rushing up to situation, "M'lady, if I may, she meant no harm. She's just a clumsy idiot." Alex tried to excuse Kara's mistake to the Princess but Lena's anger did not dissipate.

Lena folded her arms over her chest, "Alex, you know this woman?" She asked as she turned her attention from the terrified looking blonde.

The Physician stood in front of Kara, "Yes M'lady, she's my ward." Alex explained as she stood as confidently as she could in the face of an angered Lena.

Lillian stood up beside her daughter, "Well Alex how is your ward going to pay for my daughter's dress. It was crafted from the most expensive silks." Lillian said as she looked down at both Alex and Kara.

"Well your majesty I can only offer Kara's assistance as a servant." Alex answered as she brought the blonde out of the guards grasp and presenting her in front of the pair of royals, "She would work at no expense of course." Alex concluded and Kara gave a vigorous nod of the head.

Lillian nodded as well, "Very well. You will attend to my daughter's every need along side her other maid, Jess. Do you understand?" Lillian asked as she gave the younger Danvers a stern eye.

And Kara nodded, not wanting to say an other word, "Very well, you are dismissed." Lillian ordered and Kara went running out of the banquet hall followed by a very annoyed Alex.

"Jess would you mind taking me back to my chambers and helping me change?" Lena asked as she held her head high and her tone becoming softer towards her maid.

Jess nodded, "Of course M'lady." Was all Jess said before escorting the Princess to her chambers.

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