Chapter 6

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The tournament was going well for both the Princess and the Prince, each knight they faced they defeated, the only round being left was the one-on-one combat and the only two knights left were Lena and Mon-El.

Though she won the joust overall she was knocked down in the last round, injuring her shoulder in the process, "M'lady I'm going to have to advise you don't advance in the tournament." Alex said as she finished bandaging up the Princess's shoulder.

Lena winced, "I have to, I want to wipe the smug grin of his face." Lena said as she looked out of the medical tent towards where the Prince was standing celebrating his joust victory with his fellow knights from Daxam.

Kara sat down beside the raven haired Princess, "It's not a good idea, please don't." The Blonde persuaded with what could only be described as puppy dog eyes as she placed a comforting hand on her non-injured shoulder.

Lena shook her head, "I have to, if I'm going to be his wife then he needs to know from the start that I'm not going to be sitting on the side lines, what better what to do it than defeating him on the tournament." She explained as she stood up from the bench, "Alex may I have a moment alone with my maid?" Lena asked as she smiled towards the Physician.

Alex nodded, "Of course M'lady." She answered as she headed towards the tent door, looking back at Kara before she left she gave the blonde a wiggle of the eyebrows, causing Kara to give her a glare.

Once Lena knew the brunette had gone she turned to her maid, "Now, Kara last time I checked you thought I was a spoilt, narcissistic, arrogant ass. Thought you would be happy to see me hurt." She stated as she stood in front of the still sitting blonde.

Kara fixed her glasses up her nose, "I-I mean I do but you're the Princess and...yeah." Kara answered as her face turned red at the very little distance between her and Lena.

Lena let out a soft chuckle, "Is that so? You're not lying about anything are you? No feelings that you might have that would explain this recent change in attitude towards me?" The Princess asked as she gently traced Kara's jawline with the back of her index finger.

The blonde's face reddened even more, "O-of course not." Kara answered her voice slightly shaky as she avoided Lena's gaze.

The Princess bent down, coming face to face with Kara, "Then is there a reason why you look so flustered?" She asked her voice taking on a sultry tone, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I already told you that you're rather attractive when you're flustered, are you fishing for more compliments?" Lena asked in a low voice as she got onto her knees in front of her maid, gently placing her hands under Kara's chin to make her look at her.

Kara open her mouth to say something but nothing was coming out, Lena's hands still under her chin. The blonde looked down at the Princess's soft, pump red lips and back up to her mesmerizing emerald eyes, slowly Kara began to lean in to capture those lips for herself.

She was millimetres away from claiming Lena's lips with hers when they heard a trumpet go off. The Princess pulled away and stood up, "I guess I'm on." She said before giving Kara a wink and exiting the tent. Leaving Kara flustered and slightly sexually frustrated.

Lena and her maid stood outside the arena as Kara finished adjusting the Princess's upper vambrace, "All set M'Lady." Kara said as stood in front of her Mistress.

The Princess smiled, "Is there anything you want to give me for luck, Kara?" Lena asked letting the blonde's name roll off her tongue elegantly.

Kara thought for a moment, there was many things in which she was willing to give the Princess for 'luck' but of course would never admit it to raven haired woman or anyone else for that matter.

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