Chapter 2

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"Why on earth would you sign me up for working with that monster?" Kara asked as she slammed the door to her and Alex's small cottage.

Alex sat down at the table that was situated in the middle of the small cottage, "Kara, it was either work Lena or pay for the dress and being living on the street because even with both of our money we could never afford that dress." The Physician said simply as she started to flick through one of her medical journals.

Kara plonked herself down beside the brunette at the table, "She's an arrogant asshole, how am I supposed to put up with her?"The blonde asked as she fixed her classes up her nose and let out a frustrated sigh.

Alex closed her book, "You deal with it or else we'll be out on the street." Alex stated with a smile as she got up and lifted her leather sactual heading towards the door, "Besides I've know the Luthor family for a very long time, once you get to know her she isn't that bad." Alex finished before heading out the door leaving a still annoyed Kara sitting at the table chewing at her nails.


"Who did she think she was? She was that peasant I told you about, the one from the market the other day." The raven hair lady said as she had Jess undo the back of her now completely ruined dress.

Jess nodded her head, "Yes M'lady I remember." She answered as she slipped the dress down off the Princess' shoulders so it could fall to the floor. Jess picked up the new crimson dress Lena had picked out and handed it to her to step into.

The Princess let out a sigh, "She not only ruined one of my dresses but ruined my new and expensive dresses." She let out as she stood into the dress and pulled it up her lean body for Jess to tie at the back.

"That was very inconsiderate of her M'lady." Jess responded as she fastened the beautifully fitting dress on the pale woman that stood before her.

Turning around to face her maid, "Exactly. Anyways how do I look?" Lena asked as she stood with her hands on her hips, a one sided smile and raised eyebrow.

With a smile Jess answered, "Extravagant M'lady." As smiled, "Now shall we rejoin the banquet?" The maid asked as she gestured towards the door towards of Lena's room.

She gave Jess a nod and they both headed back out towards the banquet hall.


There was a loud knocking on the blondes bedroom door as the light from sunrise came cracking through her window, "Kara get up or you're going to be late for your first day with Lady Lena." Alex shouted through the door and all the blonde did was groan.

Then it hit her, her first day for working with Lena Luthor. Begrudgingly Kara got herself up from her bed and began getting ready for the nightmare that would be being Lady Lena's maid. Kara quickly got dress and made her way into the kitchen (which also happened to be the only other room in the cottage) and sat down to breakfast with Alex.

"Now Kara, please stay out of trouble today and no more ruining expensive dresses." Alex said with a sarcastic smile as she gave the blonde her porridge and sat down herself with her down porridge.

Kara rolled her eyes, "It was an accident, I tripped and I wont I promise." The younger girl said as she quickly wolfed down her breakfast before picking her brown jacket and heading towards the door.

But just before she could get out the door Alex called out, "And Kara, no using your powers to get aid you in your tasks."


As the young blonde ran towards the Lady's chambers she was met by Jess, who was carrying freshly folded sheets, "Your late." She state as she raised her eyebrow at Kara, "Lena doesn't do late, when she found you weren't there this morning when she awoke she was not pleased." Jess continued as she stood with an emotionless face.

"But it's only just gone day break." Kara said with a slight amount of worry on her face as she heard this from the other maid.

Jess gave her a smile, "Lena goes for a ride every morning before sunrise, didn't Alex tell you this?" She asked as she opened the door that lead into Lena's chambers. Kara was left stunned before she quickly followed the maid into the room.

Just as she walked in to the chambers she was quickly met with searing emerald eyes of Lady Lena, "You, you're late and on your first day. Why is that?" The dark haired woman asked as she sat at her vanity with a brush in hand.

Kara stood with her mouth opened not knowing what to say, she didn't have a reasonable explanation, "Well speak up, I don't have all day." The Princess insisted as she stood and walked towards the blonde.

"M'lady, I believe Kara was aware of your early morning rides." Jess interjected as she placed the sheets down on the bed and walked over to wardrobe to lift out Lena's clothes that she normally wore under her armour.

Lena looked towards Jess and then back to Kara, "Well then Kara in future be here on time. As punishment the stables need mucked out. See to it." She said as she gave the blonde a dismissing hand and walked over towards Jess.

"Yes M'lady." Kara spoke through gritted teeth as she left the chambers.

Lena took the clothes from her maid and made her way to the screen, "Can you believe her Jess? How would she not know about my morning rides?" The dark haired woman asked as Jess began to untie her dress from the back.

"M'lady, may I speak freely?" Jess asked as she took the dress and lay it on the bed before returning with the a linen shirt.

Lena turned to Jess, "Of course." She answered with a smile before taking the shirt and putting it on.

Walking to get the linen trousers Jess began to speak, "I don't think you should be so harsh on Kara." Jess said as she handed Lena the trousers to put on.

The Princess laughed, "And why is that?" She asked as she put on the trousers and fastened the around her waist.

"I do believe that Kara means well she just hasn't had the opportunity to show it yet." Jess answered while Lena began to put on her aketon.

Once Lena's aketon was on Jess handed the Princess her chainmail, "Well she better, I don't want an irritating servant. I've already got one." Lena said sarcastically as she gave Jess a wink causing the other girl to let out a laugh.

"Give it time M'lady I'm sure she'll be a good one."

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