How to: High School

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Now for us colored folks we all have a stigma on how to go on about high school. Especially us girls.

1) DO NOT TALK TO BOYS, now you can get you a bae or whatever but do not devote your whole time to having one or finding one because guys will fuck you up mentally and physically. Especially if they're upperclassman, you'd want to prove you're not a little kid anymore.

2) Don't be late for class

Each of my classes are in different buildings and I have five minutes to get to them. What's your excuse?

Being late will show the teacher that you don't care and that will be noted.

3)Listen to music in the classes you don't like. I hate my Spanish class and all I do is listen to music complete the work and leave early. Do that if you have to. Music will censor out all the bullshit around you.

4) P.E.

HAVE A LOCKER. At my school about 5 kids got arrested for stealing headphones, shoes, ipods, money, and clothes. Make sure your lock passes the shake test. SHAKE THE BITCH. And if it stays locked then you're good. Also dress if you can. BRING YOUR EAR BUDS!

5) If You catch the bus ALWAYS CATCH THE SECOND BUS. My school has assigned busses that drives us especially up the hills to our school and they're always crowded. If you catch buses or if you're in the similar situation catch the second bus because everyone rushes to the first they see. And the smart ones rush to the second.

There will be more tips on this one later on.

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