I hate bets

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I have other stories in progress but I remembered I started this a while ago last night and finished the first chapter.
It's been a pretty normal day, up until one of my friends calls me.

"Hey Y/N!"

"What's up Frankie?"

"I need a favor."


"I have this bet with Gerard that if you and Mikey don't start dating by the end of tomorrow I have to give him $500. You can assume I don't have $500."

"The fuck?"

"Please! I already called him and he's fine with it."

"Fine. You owe me."

"Sweet, come over later and practice acting all couple-y with Mikey."

He hangs up. I've had a crush on mikey since a few weeks after I met him, years ago. Ugh. I'm screwed.

I grab my charger, earbuds, wallet, and keys and shove it into my backpack and drive to frank's house. When I get they're Mikey's car is already in the driveway.

"Hello?" I walk in, not bothering to knock.

"Hey." Franks drags me in.

"Sup." Mikey gives a small wave.

"Hey dude."

"Alright." Frank claps his hands together, "Gerard and me made a bet a year ago that y'all you get together by tomorrow. So I'm inviting everyone out to party and I need you two to kiss at some point before midnight."

"No frank." I fold my arms


20 minutes later we're at the bar. If I'm gonna have to kiss my crush of 6 years I'm gonna have to be drunk to do it. By the time I'm very tipsy frank whispers into my ear. "It's 11:54"

I go find mikey and see him hanging out with Gerard.

"Hey mikes! Can I talk to you for a minute?" I shout. He walks over to me. "It's 11:55"


We crash our lips together and I hear frank cheering.

"Now give me $500 bitch!" Frank yells at Gerard after we pull apart.

"Ughh." Gerard groans.

"So That was something huh?" I say. The tensions so thick it could break a knife. It's super uncomfortable.


I scratch the back of my neck. "So uhh.. yeah. See you later."

"I'll drive you. No offense but you probably shouldn't drive." That's fair. I've bumped into 20 people in the last 15 minutes.

"Kay." We try to slip out unnoticed but of course frank has to whistle at us, making everyone turn out way.

"Oh Y/N! I'm gonna give you the customary older brother talk about you dating Mikey tomorrow!" Gerard yells.

"I'll help you hide." Mikey mumbles as we walk to his car. That just sets me off (set it off is great y'all listen to them I'm wearing a set it off shirt rn) and I almost fall over laughing. "Calm down, don't wanna give yourself a stroke." That just makes me laugh harder.

He helps me into the car even though I say I can do it myself. He gets into the driver's seat and starts the car.

"You're one funny man Mikey way."

We're fucked dude {mikey way x male reader}Where stories live. Discover now