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When Tony Stark contacted Reva Anderson, a young psychologist, she was rather stunned. He had been cryptic about the reason, only telling her that he needed a 'session'.

She immediately suspected that something was not being shared with her deliberately, for why would someone like Tony Stark contact someone like her when he probably had the number of the best therapists on the Eastern Seaboard?

She wasn't one of them. Not yet, at least. She had only begun her practice a few years ago.

However, her suspicions deepened when she was brought to a gargantuan flying machine, called a 'helicarrier,' and given a file that contained information about a Norse God-cum-alien named Loki. She was vaguely familiar with the name, thanks to her penchant for random internet surfing. He was the God of Mischief and Lies; that was all that she knew.

Reading the file, she soon realized that she wasn't dealing with mere mischief. This man had recently launched his campaign for world domination in Stuttgart. And he was also really obsessed with making people kneel before him.

So much for first contact being peaceful and friendly.

Stark had promised a handsome paycheck to her for the job. He wanted her to engage Loki somehow, to get him to talk. All attempts at interrogation had failed so far. So this was Stark's version of a last ditch effort-bringing someone non-SHIELD and try to ease him into conversation. Someone non-threatening would lower his barriers and perhaps, he'd let something slip about his evil plans.

Now, Reva did want recognition and a career boost, and working for Tony Stark would certainly earn her that, but did she really want to deal with a possibly psychotic space Viking?

Another thing, this whole operation was to be kept covert and no one else on the helicarrier was to know about its details. As far as anyone else was concerned, Reva was Stark's personal therapist and he needed some sessions to deal with the stress of the present situation.

"Am I supposed to know what SHIELD is?" she asked, baffled as she read about the details of the Stuttgart attack.

"Basically, they're FBI on steroids." Stark shrugged as he paced before her. They were in his personal quarters, the only place without bugs. "Don't think you need more info than that."

She nodded. The lesser she knew, the better.

"Do you really think I could make Loki talk? I'm not very confident. I don't even have enough experience, I think."

"The lack of experience is what makes you perfect for this. We need to make him feel like he's in complete control. We want him to feel smug."

"I wonder how safe this is." She kept turning the pages of the file nervously. "It's not like I go around chatting up criminals for a living."

"Don't worry," said Stark, looking at her reassuringly, "we have him in a solid cage. It was built for something much stronger than him. He won't be able to do anything, besides throwing some insults here and there."

She nodded, thinking about that paycheck again. She could do this.

"But how exactly are you going to sneak me in there? You said it was going to be covert. Isn't he supposed to be under constant surveillance?"

"Yes, I'll help you with that," he stated smugly. "I'll disengage the cameras to his cell and will install prerecorded feeds. And I'll be keeping tabs on the situation. You will have all the night to yourself."

"The whole night? Does he not sleep?"

"He hasn't shown signs of it so far."

"Okay then, take me to him."

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