chapter 3

564 8 4

Hunk POV

I haven't see Lance since yesterday, I hope Coran didn't have any bad news. I'm gonna go find Pidge, they'll put my mind at ease, I hope. I made my way down to their lab/room, trying not to freak out.

As I got closer, I started to smell this, weird aroma. It's like it was meant to be smelt, but not by me. I kept getting closer to their lab and the smell only grew stronger. What's going on? I finally ended up outside their door, the smell stronger than ever.

I knocked hoping to get an explanation, seeing as the smell was coming from their room. "*knock knock* Pidge? You okay in there buddy? What's that smell? Can I come in?" I asked through the door, not wanting to burst in, in case they weren't decent. "Um, i actually don't know? Could you come in please?" They asked, desperation leaking from their voice. "Yeah, of course, buddy." With that, i walked through the door. What i saw was shocking.

Pidge was laying there on their bed, red-faced and holding their abdomen in pain. They were breathing heavily and pulling at the collar of their shirt, seeming to be overheating. "Oh my goodness! Pidge, are you alright?" I asked worried about my friend's health. "I think so? I don't know. Get Coran to have a healing pod ready while i change into something cooler. Somethings not right." They mumbled as they began to stand. "I'm on it!"

I had ran over to the communicator connected to the wall, my back turned to Pidge, giving them as much privacy as i could. Once i had finally gotten through Coran's voice cut through the room. "Pidge! What can i do for Ya?" He asked, thinking i was Pidge."Actually, Coran, it's me Hunk. There's something wrong with Pidge."
I said in a rushed panic. "What's wrong with Pidge my boy?" "We don't know yet, could you set up a healing pod?" "Of course, although I could do a full-body scan instead. It's a lot faster." "Okay, yes, that works. See you in a bit Coran." Pidge said, ending the call and scaring the snickerdoodles out of me. "C'mon Hunk, let's go." "O-okay."


We had made it to the main deck where Keith, Shiro, and Lance had already been there. It seems once they smelt the aroma, they kinda, changed, in a good way, it seemed. Shiro's eyes had gotten bigger at the smell, his father complex coming into play. "Pidge, Coran called us here for something. Are you alright? Do you need anything? Is it, the red witch?" He rambled, Pidge didn't have a chance to respond before Keith said something.

"Do i need to cut someone? What's wrong? Anything i need to do?" He asked, his eyes also bigger at the smell, his big brother complex showing greatly. Pidge again was cut off before responding. "Omg, it's all my fault! Is there anything i can do to help? There has to be! Coran!" Lance exclaimed out in a panic. He seemed to have changed, differently. His hair seemed to be getting lighter, along with his eyes. The pupil of his eye looks like it's developing a pink hue in the center. There also seemed to be blue hues under his eyes, kinda like Coran and Allura's markings under theirs.

"EVERYONE CHILL!! I'm fine! Once Coran scans me, we'll figure it out!" Pidge yelled, fed up from not getting a word in. "Oh yeah, Coran scan please," I said calmly as i help Pidge over to their green chair. "Oh yes, right on that. Now sit still, this won't hurt a bit." And with that, a beam of spread out light had scanned from their middle, up, and then down their body. Coran gave a knowing look once seeing the results.

"Well, what's wrong with them?" i asked, hoping they were okay. "Number 5 is okay, there's just something that number 2 needs to tell you," Coran said, looking over at Lance, who looked nervous. "Um okay, thanks for putting me on the spot there Coran. Um, how do I put this?" He said fiddling with the sleeves of his jacket. "Go at your own pace buddy. We'll listen." Shiro said, trying to calm him down. "Okay, okay, here goes noth-"
"THE GALRA ARE ATTACKING!! PALADINS! TO YOUR LIONS!" Allura yelled over the emergency com. "Pidge you need to sit out on this one!" Lance said, making Pidge sit back down in their chair. "What?! No, I'm gonna help!” They argued, not likening the idea of sitting on the sidelines while their family/friends put their lives in danger. "Pidge, Lance is right. You're in no shape to be fighting right now! You can still help from the castle. We have drowns remember." Shiro said as the rest of us made our ways out of the main deck.

I look over at Lance and ask. "Lance is Pidge gonna be okay?" He looked at me with a smile and replied. "Of course buddy. Pidge is fine. Coran and I will explain everything after the fight." And with that, he ran ahead of me. "I hope that you're right Lance."

Pidge POV

After the lions left their hangers, Allura had entered the main deck. "Coran, partical barrier up- Pidge is that smell you?" She said, her eyes going big as the others had, but hers was, different. "Um, yeah? Why?" I said setting up my drone while the others distracted the Galra fighters. "It's just that, I haven't smelt an omega in heat such as yourself in 10,000 years. Are you Altean or something?" Allura asked getting closer. "Wait!? What!? Coran? What is she talking about?!" I replied, scared of what was going on. "That has something to do with what Lance had to say before the Galra attack. You'll just have to wait until the battles over." He said,going back over to the control panel, making sure the castle was still stable.

This is going to be a long day.

To be continued

Word count: 1024

I know I know, I'm an asshole, I just really wanted to get a chapter out for you guys and I want to change some stuff, which will interfere with how I want to write it, so I'm ending it here, the next chaoter will be out a lot sooner than this one, I promise. Bye my randoms ~ Dean

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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