Chapter 12

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"Bria answer your damn phone!"

Voicemail after voicemail, I was frantically trying to find her yet again. She's left me with nothing just like she did before. No note, no explanation and some of her clothes and suitcase were gone. I was worried about what could've happened to her, especially after Greyson showed up. I shouldn't have left left her alone on that patio, that was my biggest mistake. I was just hoping she was alright.

"Darien I can't find her. She's not at home and she's not at the condo."

'Ok, we'll find her but calm down. Have you asked everyone you could if they've heard from her since last night?'

"Nobody has, not even her parents. Her mom's been trying to call her and her phone is going straight to voicemail."

'Ok. You know what we have to do now.'

"Talk to her, I'm going to try and get into her bank account and see if she's used her cards at all." The worry in me was rising. I tried logging into her bank account and seen there was a withdrawal near the airport shortly after she left the wedding. I sat and thought to myself; why would she make a large withdrawal near the airport. And that's when it clicked; she left town. After about an our, I received a phone call from Darien.

"Hey, we're on a conference call with Janelle."

"So, I got into her bank account and she has a withdrawal for thirty-five hundred dollars. There's been no activity since."

"Jesus. Ok, I'll see if we can get into the airport security and run facial recognition. Give me. A few hours, I'll be in touch." And just like that the call ended. Everything as so formal and by the book. Nothing about this was going to be easy. I just hoped she wasn't running away from me again.

I walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. How could everything be so perfect, and then she's just gone in the blink of an eye? I stepped into the shower and let the heated water run down my body. I was so lost in thought when I heard my phone ringing, I almost didn't catch the call in time.

I grabbed a towel and rushed over to my bedside table and looked at the screen.

"Abriella, where the hell are you?! Are you ok?!"

"Noah calm down, I'm ok. There's something I needed to take care of, on my own. I didn't tell you because everything that's going on, I found out some interesting news last night and I just needed time to figure everything out. Please don't look for me. I just wanted to tell you I'm ok. I love you and I'll be home soon."

And with that, she just hung up. I wasn't able to get a word out before she hung up. I immediately dialed my brother and Janelle to let them know she called. I was even more worried because she told me not to look for her, but she knows me better than that. I could hear the worry in her voice and something was wrong.

"My contact got her at the airport boarding a plane for Charleston, South Carolina at 2am."

"What the hell is in Charleston?!"

"I don't know but Noah..." There was a slight hesitation in her voice, like she wanted to tell me something important, but was holding back.

"What? What is it?"

"She was with someone. A man and they looked... comfortable."

It felt like my heart just jumped from my body. I sat down on the bed thinking of a million different scenarios played in my head. And the first person to pop in my mind, I hoped would be the last person she'd run away with.

"I just need to know one thing Janelle. Was it Greyson?"

"No, I have a photo of him so I'll forward it to you. I'm going to set up some travel plans to go find her. I'll give you a call in a few."

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