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Espin's POV:

"Both of the Jacks are going to be here soon, they're stuck behind traffic." Dol?

I woke up in a hospital bed. Wait what? How did I get here?

"Bailey?" I heard someone say softly.

I looked over and noticed my parents and all of my friends. I tried to sit up but I couldn't, I was hurting too much. Matt and Cam helped me sit up. I looked around at everyone.

"Was all that a dream?" I asked out loud.

"Was what?" My mom asked placing her hand on my head.

"About me and Jack breaking up, Basement Dance Studio calling me wanting to go, staying at Ben's, there's another Magcon, Jacks are going on tour, meeting the cast of Bohemian Rhapsody and going to an amusement park." I said really fast, surprised anyone caught any of it.

I was freaking out. I was hyperventilating and I couldn't control it.

"Honey, breathe." My mom tried to calm me down.

I shook my head, "I can't."

"Go get the doctor."

Soon both Jacks came in. G looked panic and he came over to me quickly. He noticed my breathing and helped my mom calm me down. He gently took my face in his hands.

"Baby, I'm going to need you to breathe in and out slowly, okay?" He said looking into my eyes.

I closed mine and did what he said. It worked, when I opened my eyes I seen him smiling.

"We're still together?" I asked him quietly.

He gave me a confused look but then he smiled, "Yes, baby, we're still together." He kissed my forehead.

I leaned back on the pillows laid against the back of the bed, but felt a lot of pain. I hissed because of it.

"Hey, take it easy." Jack said softly. He helped me into the placed I wanted.

"What happened? Why does it hurt to move?" When I asked this the doctor came in.

"Miss Espinosa, you were in a terrible collision with a drunk driver. You broke your right wrist and due to the crash, dangerously damaged your back. We were able to help you since it wasn't too bad that you needed surgery. Other than the wrist and your back, you just have cuts and bruises. You did get a small concussion though, so I'm saying no dancing, or any activity that causes you to strain yourself, for one to two weeks, until you're completely healed." I nodded.

"How long am I gonna stay here?" I asked him, Jack was rubbing my arm.

"You'll be here for two days. Do you need anything?"

"No I'm fine, thank you." I looked down.

Just now noticing the cast on my right wrist and the IV.

"Was I out for a long time?"

My mom shook her head, "Just two days. That was because the doctor put you out. Or you would be in more pain than you already are."

I looked up at Jack.

"Can you sit with me?" I whispered.

He nodded but told me to wait until he helps me move over. He helped me and then sat by me. I placed my head on his shoulder, he wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head. I looked up at him.

"So we're still together and it was all a dream?"

"Did you have a dream of us breaking up?" He asked.

"Yeah," I whispered, "You slept with Madison and then it ended up being a lie because you were protecting me."

"That's definitely a dream. I would never do that, you mean too much to me. It was all a dream." He reassured me. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

I heard Paycee mumbling, when I looked over and I asked Brook if I could hold her. She slowly placed her in my hands. Paycee was sitting up with my hands, well hand, supporting her back. She was smiling and laughing.

"Hi Paycee, you're so adorable." I cooed.

Jack and I were playing with her by making faces to her. Five minutes she got tired and laid her head on my chest, sleeping. Everyone was sleeping in the weirdest positions around the room. Jack and I were the only ones awake.

I looked up at him. I kissed his jaw but I didn't move. I kept my lips there and kept kissing him repeatedly. I stopped when he turned his head looking at me, smiling.

"I was so happy when Dol called and said you were showings signs that you'll wake up." He whispered placing his forehead on mine.

"What even happened?"

"You were driving to come with me and Jack to get Dol a gift and then the whole accident happened." I nodded finally knowing what happened.

"But you're okay now. You're here with me and nothing bad will happen anymore." I smiled.

He kissed me. I smiled into the kiss knowing that it was a dream and we're still together. He pulled away placing a quick kiss on my lips.

"Wait, that means my baby got totaled." I pouted.

Jack smiled but rolled his eyes.

"We'll get you another one, but that won't be until you can drive again. Let's just go to bed, Bailey."

I nodded while he helped me lay down without waking Paycee. I laid on the inside of Jack's arm, falling asleep instantly.

The two days passed quickly and I was released from the hospital. They rolled me in a wheelchair out to our car. Jack brought me a pair of my black sweats and a white shirt, and my fuzzy socks and slides. I kept complaining that my feet were cold.

I got in the car, thanking the guy who helped, and got situated. They also gave me a back brace and medicine that is ibuprofen but on steroids, to help the pain.

We finally got to mine, Dol's, and Brook's house. Jack helped me out of the car. I had my hand(s) wrapped around Jack's bicep the best I could. I was on his right side so I could hold on with my left. We got in the house and I was instantly bored, I didn't want to sit down. So I kept refusing when Jack tried helping me.

"Baby," he laughed, "you need to sit down."

"I wanna do something." I told him and everyone around.

"You just got back you need to rest, sis." Matt told me.

I looked at him, "I was sitting in a hospital bed for four days. I'm tired of resting."

Jack stood up in front of me and placed his hands on my waist.

"How about we make you a deal?" He proposed.

I nodded slowly.

"You rest one more day and then tomorrow we'll do something that everyone can do."

"Fine okay." I gave in.

"Wow, you haven't changed at all. You're still your whiny self." Matt teased.

"Just because my wrist is broken doesn't mean I can't beat your ass." I threatened.

"She still has that temper though." Dol laughed.

"Y'all are ruude." I put my head on Jack's chest.

After that Jack helped me to the couch, finally. I sat on the couch with my back against the arm rest. Jack was sitting next to me while I had my legs across his lap. He was rubbing my thigh with his right hand. While we listened to everyone's conversation.

Jack G's POV:

I'm so glad Bailey's okay. Although, I'm confused on why she had a dream of me cheating and us breaking up. Does she have that fear? I decided to forget about it and focus on her. She's going to need my help for a while.

I'm so in love with this girl.

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