Part 3

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"Ok, so where do people want to get married? The whole purpose of this trip is to travel before we get married," Ginny asks, starring down at everyone at the table.

We had all decided to eat while we plan for our trip around the world, so we decided to order muggle food.

Malfoy, Silver, Pansy, Blaise, Neville and Luna stare in wonder at the piping hot pizza sitting in front of them.

The rest of us all grab a piece, taking a bite, before the others actually grabbed a slice. Once they did, they instantly began groaning about how "we have never had this before!" "Muggles make brilliant food!" Or "why don't they have this in the wizarding world?"

"Well, where does everyone want to get married?" Ginny brings up the question again.

"Hang on, allow us to enjoy this food you call 'pizza'" Blaise comments, holding up his pointer finger.

"Well, I for one have always wanted to get married in Mare, New Caledonia, it's where my parents got married," I comment.

"I want to get married on New Years Eve, you know, start the year off as a married women," Ginny says.

Soon, all the girls were talking about when and where they want to get married, while the guys where just sitting there, giving each other the same look. 'Girls are crazy' is what the look said.

Eventually they sorted out that;

Ginny and Harry were getting married at;
New York City, on December 31st, with Hermione as maid of honour, Luna, Silver and Pansy as bridesmaids, Ron as the best man, and Neville, Draco and Blaise as the groomsmen.

Draco and Hermione were getting married at;
Mare, New Caledonia, on April 21st with Ginny as maid of honour, Luna, Silver and Pansy as bridesmaids. Blaise as the best man, and Harry, Neville and Ron as the groomsmen.

Luna and Neville were getting married at;
Melbourne, Australia, on February 14th. Silver as maid of honour, and Hermione, Pansy and Ginny as bridesmaids. Harry as the best man, with Draco, Blaise and Ron as the groomsmen.

Pansy and Blaise were getting married at;
Gold Coast, Australia, on February 25 th, with Luna as the maid of honour, Hermione, Silver and Ginny as the bridesmaids. Draco as the best man, with Harry, Neville and Ron as the groomsmen.

And Silver and Ron were getting married at;
Nomea, New Caledonia, on April 6th. Pansy as the maid of honour, Hermione, Luna and Ginny as bridesmaids. Neville as the best man, with Harry, Draco and Blaise as the groomsmen.

Soon after they finished planning, it was well past midnight. The guys ended up leaving all the girls asleep in Harry and Ginny's apartment, with Harry staying with Ron.

Sorry this chapter was soooooo short, I'm running out of ideas for this book. Next chapter will be a time skip to when the leave for the holiday!! Thanks for reading and please read my other stories!!

Love y'all


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