Chapter 5

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Hermione's POV

I jump up and around the hotel room, and I land on Harry and Ginny's bed, where they were still asleep.

"Morning sleepyheads!" I shout as I jump.

They jump out of the bed, and onto the floor, scooting away.

I laugh, hearing Draco laugh in the corner of the room.

Ginny glares at me, crossing her arms across her chest.

"That wasn't funny Hermione!" She shouts, slapping me on my arms.

I continue laughing, as Ginny jumps off the floor, beginning to chase me around the room.

"Ginny! The baby remember?" Harry yells, grabbing Ginny gently as she ran past him.

"Harry! I'm pregnant! I didn't just get out of a car accident!" She yells, struggling to get out of his grip.

She manages to get out, sitting on the bed, her arms crossed over her chest. I sit down next to her, draping my arm across her shoulder.

"Harry, I get your protective over Ginny, but she's pregnant, and she knows how to take care of herself! Besides, resident healer here, I can treat her if need be," I say, leaning in next to her.

Malfoy gets up off the bed, standing next to Harry, crossing his arms.

"I have to say, it's a father's instinct to take care of the child, as well as the mother, he's only following his instincts," Malfoy says, tilting his head slightly to the side.

I nod, knowing the primaral fatherly instincts, as I work with pregnant women frequently, which also means dealing with protective boyfriends and husbands, as well as, in rare cases, girlfriends.

(As this is 2019, I know that girls will get sperm donations if they are in a homosexual relationship, so I figured it would happen in the wizarding world as well)

"Now, it's the first day in Paris! Lets enjoy it!" I shout, running out the door.


Hours later, we spent looking at different land marks around Paris, looking at places like the Lourve Museum, the Notre-Dame, Opera National de Paris, Arc de Triomphe, and the Luxembourg Gardens.

We had also decided to book a river cruise that will be beginning the next day, which will be going on for 4 days.

"Come on, we haven't seen the Effiel Tower yet!" I yell, running towards the tower. I could hear the sounds of footsteps behind me.

I come to a halt, seeing a crowd of people leaning towards what looks like, a body.

I run forward, hearing another set of feet behind me.

In horror, I see a little girl, who looks around 10, laying on the ground with a pool of blood around her head. Her blonde hair was sprawled around, her limbs twisted in different ways.

I lean over the girl, checking for vital signs, seeing that they were alive, but barely.

"Do you know your name?" I ask, checking the little girl in the back of the head, feeling blood on my fingers.

"S-sar-sarah M-m-orr-morrington" she says, her eyes drooping a little.

"How old are you?" I hear Malfoy ask Sarah, as I take my jacket off, patching the hole in her head.

"12" another voice answers. I turn my head to see a woman, barely in her thirties, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"What happened ma'am?" Harry asks her, as I continue to tend to Sarah's wounds.

"Well, a guy, with a black mask, pushed Sarah off the top, and gave me this," she says, her shaky and frail voice barely heard over the sound of sirens.

She holds a piece of paper, one with my name on it.

"May we see the note?" Ron asks. She nods, handing the note over to Ron.

The ambulance arrives, rushing over with a stretcher and proper equipment.

"I've patched her head but she's lost a lot of blood, she's alive, but barely, she answered a lot of questions, with difficulty," I relay to the officer who was kneeling down next to her.

He nods, lifting her up gently, as I continue to hold her head as they place her on the stretcher.

I place her head down gently, keeping my jacket there while they rush off.

"Thank you ma'am for your assistance," the officer says, as he shuts the door, Sarah and her mother in the back of the ambulance van.

Ron hands me the note, the one from the mother, and I silently read it.

This is only the beginning


I shake my head, drawing in breath.

We didn't end up going to the Eiffel Tower, we saw it, but we never went up as we went straight back to the hotel.

I fall asleep, thinking of who this A person could be.

And I'm gonna leave it there for now. Who do you guys think A is? Why did they hurt Sarah?

Please read my other stories and don't forget to vote and comment!

Love y'all


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