Part 4

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Soooooo.... this part will mostly consist of the apartment, airport, the plane, and arriving in Paris...

Hermione's POV
I rush around, pulling clothes out of draws and stuffing them in suitcases. I had just gotten off work at St. Mungo's, as I work as a Healer there.

I hadn't had time to pack for the trip, and we were leaving in 6 hours. Draco was just sitting on the bed, watching as I rush around like a mad woman.

"You can help instead of just watching me you creep!" I call, throwing clothes over my shoulder into the suitcases.

"Ok, you toss them to me, I'll put them in the suitcases," he offers, which took me by surprise.

I continue tossing clothes, and him tossing them into the suitcases.

"Slow down! I'm going to be covered by clothes in a second!" Draco yells, causing me to turn around.

All I see, is him sitting on the edge of my bed, a pile of clothes on his lap, reaching his chin. More clothes were on the floor, resting by his feet, which had another pile reaching his knees.

I burst out laughing, him glaring at me. I begin at his chin, throwing clothes into their respective suitcases.

Almost half an hour later, I managed to free Draco from being trapped under my clothes.

"Why didn't you pack earlier? Aren't you miss 'everything has to be perfect?'" he asks, standing up and stretching.

"I had to work for the past week so that I can go on this holiday!" I say, before taking a pair of jeans and a white and black striped shirt.

"What do you do?"

"I'm a Healer at St. Mungo's, what do you do?"

"I'm training to be a Healer as well."


I rush into the bathroom, turning the shower on. I let the hot water run onto me, before jumping out and getting changed into clothes.

I haul all the suitcases out into the lounge area, placing the 4 suitcases on the ground. I take 3 of the suitcases, shrinking them down and placing them into my purse.

I place a weightless spell on the purse, then onto the last suitcase.

Time skip brought to you by Lord Voldemort's nose

We all get out of the taxi, and Harry and I lead the way through the airport.

After I obliviated my parents, I had sent them to Australia, where hopefully they would have been safe. When the war ended, Harry and I travelled to Australia to return there memories, to learn the had died in a car crash.

We head through security, to the terminal, when a announcement came over the speakers, frightening everyone except Harry and myself.

"Attention, flight GBA128 to Paris, France has been stuck at the airport, and will not be leaving tonight, we apologize for the inconvenience."

We all groan, as that was our flight, before heading to the hotel in the airport. We manage to get three rooms, but there were so Harry, Ginny, Luna and Neville were sharing, as were Draco, Silver, Ron and I, with Pansy and Blaise with their own room.

We walk towards the rooms, which were next to each other. I open the door for us, to see that we had only two queen sized beds.

"Who's sharing?" Silver asks, causing all of us to shrug. "We could do girls share one, boys share the other?" I suggest,  but Ron and Draco immediately shake their heads.

"I'm not sharing with Weaselbee!"

"I'm not sharing with the ferret!"

They both protest, until Silver pipes up, saying "why doesn't Draco and I share, while you two share?"

I look at Ron, shoving him in the chest, "she doesn't know?!"

"No! I didn't want to tell her!" He protests.

"Your her fiancee, your supposed to tell her so she, or Draco, don't feel uncomfortable!" I yell, throwing my arms in the air.

"Well tell us then!" Draco yells, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Ron and i, were dating until we were told that we were now engaged to you guys," I scream, plopping on one of the beds. "Can't we just sleep with couples so we don't have to argue! I'm exhausted!" I add.

Draco nods, giving Silver a kiss on her cheek, before plopping in the bed with me.

Ron and Silver go onto the other bed, before all of us fall asleep.

Another time skip brought to you by Rons bottomless stomach.....

The morning came, and we were rushing to the terminal, as the plane was about to leave. We get to the lady, and hand over our tickets. We all enter the plane, to which we found out we were in first class.

We settle in, ready for our 1 hour and 15 minute flight.




Another time skip, brought to you by Hermione's hair.

We land in Paris, our legs slightly stiff from the flight here. It took almost and hour to get to the hotel, because the taxi driver didn't speak English, and then because we didn't have Euros yet, we didn't pay.

We check into the hotel, to find only four rooms, and Harry and Ginnys being the biggest, Draco and I will be staying with them.

We check in, Harry and Ginny heading straight to bed, with Draco and I sleeping in the other.

Soooo.... WHAT DO YOU THINK???!!!

I think it was pretty bad, but let me know how to improve it!!



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