chapter 2

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Pov. Y/n

We had gotten to the auditorium just in time for the speech and it was packed. As we noticed all the people in the area a blonde girl was calling ruby.

???: Ruby over here, i saved you a spot!

Ruby: well guys thats my que. I'll see you guys later.

Y/n: okay then see ya!

She then ran off to the blonde and me and jaune were left alone.

Y/n: well im gonna go ahead and look around, see you in a bit jaune.

Jaune: wait what?

Before he could even ask me what was going on, i had already left.

Jaune: great, now where am i going to find someone to talk to?

I had finally found a good spot to hear the speech, it was nice and no one was really here because it was on a beam in the ceiling. As i got comfortable my dad was about to start.

Ozpin: I'll...keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge--to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose – direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step.

Y/n: Really dad that was the best you could do? Seriously put more emotion into it.

I then got down from the beam and landed near ruby and the blonde.

Blonde: did any of you think he was a little off?

Ruby: yeah like he wasn't even there.

Y/n: yeah he has a tendencey to do that.

Ruby: oh y/n your here.

Blonde: so this is the one of the people you met on your way here.

Ruby: thats right sis, y/n this is my sister yang, yang this is y/n.

Y/n: nice to meet you.

Yang: same to you handsome~.

I blushed a little when she said that but shrugged it off.

Y/n: anyways yeah he tends to do that.

Yang: how do you know that, are you like friends of his family or something?

Y/n: close, he's my dad.

Yang: really, thats cool so you must be really skilled then.

Y/n: yeah, but im more into making gadgets. Like i made my sword.

I showed her my sword and ignited it.

Yang: very impressive.

Jaune then came up to us just to add to the conversation.

Jaune: just so you know, im a natural blonde.

Weiss then looked at him and face palmed herself.

Y/n: kinda late to the bandwagon bro.

Jaune: oh whoops.

Timeskip: night - ballroom.

Everyone was already getting ready for bed including myself, i was coming back from the bathroom until i bumped into my dad.

Ozpin: y/n i see your getting ready for bed?

Y/n: yeah dad, tomorrows a big day and im just about ready.

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