chapter 5

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Pov. Y/n

It was morning and so far everyone was awake and ready in uniforms except for weiss simce she was still sleeping. As i was getting my stuff ready i noticed ruby get a whistle and started to move towards weiss.

Y/n: ruby what are you doing?

Ruby: im gonna wake her up, what else would i do?

Y/n: i don't know, maybe wake her up like a normal person would.

Ruby: but wheres the fun in that?

I just face palmed and sighed at the response.

Y/n: *sigh* im beginning to think that you intentionally like pissing people off.

Ruby: i do not, i just want her to be on my level of enthusiasam.

Y/n: whatever its your funeral, of which im not gonna attend for lack of brain cells and or loss of them.

I then continued to get ready as i then heared a loud whistle and covered my ears in pain.

Ruby: Good morning team RWBY!

Weiss: what in the world is wrong with you?!

Ruby: now that your awake we can officially begin our first order of buisness.

Weiss: excuss me?

Yang: decorating!

Weiss: what?

Blake: we still have to unpack and clean.

Ruby: * blows whistle*

Y/n: agh! Could you stop that some of us have extremely sensitive ears!

Ruby: oh, sorry. Anyways y/n, weiss, blake, yang, and their fearless leader ruby have begun their first mission. Banzi!

Blake/ yang: banzi!

Y/n: yeah, yeah, banzi!

Weiss: *sigh*.

We then started to prepare the room for our stay and so far it was decent, we organized, set up our clothes and put away our toiletries. After all that was done there were 2 problems, 1: there was little room for the beds and 2: there is still only 4 beds.

Weiss: this isn't going to work.

Blake: it is a bit cramped.

Yang: maybe we should ditch some of our stuff.

Y/n: agreed.

Ruby: or maybe we should ditch the beds... and replace them with bunk beds!

Weiss: uhm that sounds incredibly dangerous.

Yang: and super awesome!

Blake: it does seem efficient.

Y/n: and it would allow me to get a bed as well.

Weiss: well we should put it to a vote.

Y/n: weiss we just did, everyone agreed except you so deal with it.

We then got to work and put the 4 beds together and made 2 bunk beds.

Y/n: great job, later ill ask dad to bring me a bed for me.

Ruby: alright, our second order of buisness is... classes... Now we have a few classes together today. at 9:00 we've gotta be...

Weiss: what? did you say 9:00?

Ruby: umm..

Weiss: its 8:55 you dunce!

Weiss then booked it to class and the other followed suite.

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