chapter 3

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Pov. Y/n

It was morning and everyone was waking up and getting ready for initiation. While i was waking up i felt alot of weight on me, i turned my head to my side and saw that both ruby and yang were on top of me (not in the sexual way so piss off you dirty minded bastards). I decided that the best course of action was to spread my wings and push them to the side.

Y/n: morning guys!

Yang: ahhh! What was that for?

Ruby: yeah.

Y/n: well for starters you both were on top of me and i didn't think you could actually crack my back in one fell swoop.

Yang: sorry about that, should have warned you that we are fidgety sleepers.

Y/n: its fine, lets just get ready.

The morning went by and we went through our normal routine. As we got to the locker rooms to puck up our gear and weapons i overheard a ginger haired girl and a guy dressed like a martial artist talking.

Ginger: ohh i know! We'll have some sort of signal! Like a distress signal!! *gasp* a secret signal so we can find each other in the forest! Can you imitate a sloth?

Boy: nora...

Nora: yes ren?

Ren: i don't think sloths make alot of noise.

Nora: thats why its perfect! No will suspect we're working together.

Ren: come on nora, let's go.

Nora: but not "together" together. *giggles*

They then started walking off leaving us to possibly figure out what they were talking about.

Ruby: i wonder what thoes two are so worked up about?

Y/n: beats me, But i have a feeling i would not wanna be that guy though.

Yang: oh who knows... so! you seem awfully chipper this morning.

Ruby: yep! No more akaward small talk or "getting to know you" stuff. Today i get to let my sweetheart do the talking.

Yang: well remember ruby, your not the only one going through initiation. If you want to grow up, your going to have to meet new people and learn to work together.

Y/n: she's right ruby, social skills and comunication are just as important as hand to hand combat or pulling the trigger on your weapon.

Ruby: ugh, you two sound just like dad! Okay first of all what does meeting people have to do with fighting? And secondly, i don't need people to help me grow up. I drink milk!

Y/n: well first of all did you not just hear what i just said, and secondly really? Milk?

Yang: yeah, and what about when we form teams?

Ruby: -uhm i..i don't know, i-i'll just be on either yours or y/n's team or something.

Yang: maybe you should try being on someone elses team?

Ruby: my dearest sister yang, are you implying that you do not wish to be on the same team as me!?

Yang: w-what!? No! Of course i do, i just thought... i don't know, maybe it would help you break out of your shell!

Ruby: what the!? I don't need to break out of my shell, that's absolutely-

Jaune: ridiculous! Theres no way i put my gear in locker 636 yesterday! I would have remembered having to count that high! Ugh why does this have to happen today!?

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