XVI - Rain Check

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Time seemed to pass slowly, but fast enough for the first snowflakes to make their appearance. Winter was finally here and Christmas not too far behind. I gazed at the seemingly charming weather, watching as the snow slowly descended upon the wizarding world. It was a welcome sight, I didn't enjoy freezing cold weather, but snow itself was mesmerizing when the world was covered in white, and everything looked pure. It could make one forget all the atrocities and shitty people that live on the same soil as us. That being said, it was an enjoyable time of the year. I had some fond memories, but the past is long gone now.

I stuck my hand out catching a few snowflakes on their way down, and they melted as soon as they hit my hand, a stark contrast between their cool nature and my hot flesh. The view from the astronomy tower was unrivaled, and I stared at students down below-they were so tiny. I spotted the infamous scowling professor and smiled, watching him walk across the courtyard, his feet kicking at the puffy snow that had settled. I glanced in the direction he was heading and spotted Albus not too far away, his eyes roaming the sky as students stood beside him, idly chatting.

I hadn't made much progress with Sev, not that there was much to be made in the first place. Well, there were a lot of things actually, but Severus was Severus, and I knew deep down, he would never change drastically, intimately involved or not. Also, it was getting considerably harder to get some alone time with him. I wasn't in a rush or anything, plus I was perfectly content with our relationship. It was rare for him to show affection from time to time, but when he did, I usually teased him about it. Not the smoothest move, I will admit. Life was peaceful since the destruction of one of Tom's Horcruxes, and while I expected Severus to be more on edge, he was relatively docile. Sometimes I wasn't sure he had fully processed that he had signed his death sentence, but nope he was in a greater mood than ever by Severus standards. And knowing him, he was acutely aware of his current predicament but gave no shits.

Honestly, he barely changed, he was still the brooding bat of the dungeons bullying kids whenever he saw fit, but he was gentler, towards me at least. And he was supervising considerably fewer detentions, so that was a bonus. I stared down from the astronomy tower, Albus and Severus standing side by side watching the students filter out of the courtyard, en route for the train, and eventually home. Winter break was finally here. Those who remained were mostly fourth years and up who planned on attending the Yule Ball, but the majority went home. I couldn't blame them, the Yule Ball was sort of like prom, so they were not missing out on much. Albus finally spotted me and offered a friendly wave, and catching Severus' attention, his eyes followed the headmaster's gaze, and he found me, casually leaning against the railing of the astronomy tower. He offered a curt nod and then turned back to Albus.

I parted way with the beautiful scenery and descended the astronomy tower as I wandered the halls. The castle felt rather empty, the halls now barren, and classrooms empty. I glanced to my right as a certain red-headed boy fell into step with me, and I smiled. George was nowhere in sight. "You're still here?" I asked.

"We were about to leave, but it wouldn't be right if I at least didn't say goodbye," he replied with a boyish grin.

"I'm sure," I chuckled. "And where's George?" I glanced to the castle grounds, friends throwing themselves in each other's arms promising to write to each other. I was partially envious I never had friends like that growing up.

"Packing his things, but that's irrelevant," he cleared his throat. "Our mother wanted to invite you...and Snape to our Christmas party."

"You don't seem too happy about that."

"I don't want to picture Snape and you together, period. Worst of all, meeting a professor outside of school is awkward, and well it's...Snape!" He motioned with his hands, and I couldn't tell if he was baffled or frustrated, but I just nodded along. I couldn't blame him there, meeting professors outside of class was awkward, especially when grocery shopping. It humanized them too much, and yes that was a bad thing.

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