Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

March 9th

The next weekend, the girls thought that it was now time to try their luck with Mr and Mrs Doyle. If anyone knew anything, it had to be them.

Isabella looked at Tasha.

She didn't want to do this, but she knew that it would get Tasha off her back So Isabella decided that she would just do it anyway and get it over and done with.

Isabella found that she wasn't really interested in looking at Mr Wilson's past because she didn't find it interesting. The only reason she looked into Mr and Mrs Doyle's past was because she found it very interesting and it was obvious they were hiding something.

Isabella wasn't sure if Mr Wilson was hiding anything at all.

Isabella waited out the front of her house for Tasha to arrive. Last night, Tasha had told Isabella of her plan. Tasha said that she would try her hardest and persuade Mr Wilson to drive her to Isabella's house and Isabella hoped that it would work. All Tasha said was she wanted Mr Wilson there in case anything interesting happened.

It wasn't long before Isabella saw Mr Wilson's familiar car pull up the driveway. It was clear that Mr Wilson was unsure of why he had to be here, and Isabella did feel sorry for him. But he came inside, anyway, and Tasha seemed to be very happy she had persuaded him to come.

Isabella looked at Tasha, "so, how are we supposed to talk to Tony and Elizabeth now?"

"You will," replied Tasha, "I will take him outside."

"Why can't you?"

"They are your foster parents."

"He is your brother-in-law."

"And is your brother."

"Fine," Isabella gave in, "I'll do it."

With that decided, the girls walked inside. Tasha went to take Mr Wilson outside and Isabella went to talk to Mr and Mrs Doyle. Isabella didn't know what she was going to say so she just decided to make it up as she went along. It was all she could think of doing.

"I need to ask you something," said Isabella after she got Mr and Mrs Doyle to sit down on the couch.

"What's that, dear?" replied Mrs Doyle.

"What is with Ian and babies?"

Mr and Mrs Doyle looked at Isabella with blank expressions on their faces.

"How come he seems to know how to look after babies?" Isabella continued.

"No one knows how to look after babies," said Mrs Doyle, shooting her husband a quick worried glance.

Isabella groaned.

That was exactly what Mr Wilson kept telling her.

"But don't you think it is a little strange?" asked Isabella.

Mr and Mrs Doyle shook their heads.

Isabella looked at Mr and Mrs Doyle, waiting for them to say something.

"Bella," Mr Doyle finally said, "some people are just naturals with babies. It doesn't matter. Ian just has it and Amy is struggling a little."

Isabella just nodded. She couldn't think of anything else to say so she just decided to head outside with Tasha and Mr Wilson.

"Oh, Bella," said Mr Doyle, "would you send Ian in?"

Isabella dipped her head and went outside. She then asked Mr Wilson to go inside.

High School Story: University Continues (re-written)Where stories live. Discover now