Life doesn't always suck ~14~

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'Well, here goes nothing, I may as well try it.'

'Well, hurry up then!' Nymeria hissed.

'Shh, I need to concentrate, I've never done this before.' I said nervously back. If you're wondering what I'm doing it's nothing dirty, sickos. No, I'm trying to create an energy ball, very strenuous. But, I'm skilled enough to try and yes, I have magical ancestry. I doubt they tried to make an energy ball though, so I'll be the first. Right now I'm in ghe forest with Danielle, Averi said it wasn't important to her, so Dani said she'd come.

"Are you sure you want to be here, Dani?"

"Yes, I've never seen magic, well, real magic anyway. So yes, I want to be here, Ray." she replied as I sighed.

"Okay, then."

'Concentrate!' Nymeria snarled viciously.

'Okay, just shut up! Jeez.' I shouted at Nymeria. I shut my eyes and thought about looking at an energy sphere. I could feel the energy in my hand, the heat radiating off in waves. I concentrated on it be-

A "Woah!" broke my concentration, the energy ball disappearing with it as I opened my eyes.

"Oh, sorry! It was really pretty and glowed." she apologised. I simpy nodded,

"Okay, but next time, be quiet please. It's hard enough to concentrate as it is."

She nodded and shut ber mouth, she was breathing trough her nose. I drew the energy in quicker this time, knowing what to do. I opened my eyes to see a silver ball of light in my hand. I flivked my wrist, sending it up in the air and it whizzed around me. Then it split off into tiny pieces and restored life to each tree.

"It was the most "magical" feeling ever, having life restoring power in your hands."

"Who cares? Just because you can create an energy ball, doesn't make you the most powerful person in the world."

"You could at leas- You're jealous" Danielle scorned, "because you can't do that. If you pay attention to things you'd know how, but you didn't. You should ha-"

"That's enough, Danielle, she's had too much to deal with and will once the boys leave." I retorted.

"What?!" Averi shrieked, the sound like the "crack" of a whip, "they're leaving!"

Averi looked over at Niall hurt, the boys and Niall meanwhile playing on the X box 360. Niall looked over and waved to Averi, she blew it off and looked away, hurting Niall in the mean time. He handed the controller over to Zayn, who took over his game. Averi walked away as Niall came towards us,

"What's up with Averi?" he asked. I shook my head and shrugged,

"She's upset because you didn't tell her you guys are going back to work soon." I explained, that being the reason why Averi walked off.

"We're going back to work soon?" he asked, surprised by the statement, "I didn't know the boys and I were going back, when did you hear that?"

"Well, Liam told me-"

"And, I overheard them talking."

Niall just nodded, accepting it at full force.

"I'd better tell Av-"

"Let Niall do it, after all, they are bestfriends."

Niall, sent me a side smile and walked upstairs.

~Niall's Pov~

I walked upstairs and towards Averi's room. I know she heard me coming, being a werewolf and all, and opened the door.

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