Run away ~chapter 12~

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It was awkward at the table for dinner. Cora sat beside Zayn and stared at him, he would occasionally send me a warning glance. The two boys who were checking me out before, Zeke and Demus, were now rubbing their legs against mine. Unfortunately, I had had to sit beside them. But as luck would have it, Liam had a spare seat beside him. I rushed over to the seat and sat down. He just gave me a weak smile and minded his own business. Mandra and Pyron, the mated couple, said they would cook dinner tonight to show their appreciation towards us for letting them stay. Asher and Blake were both twins and two years old. They were the other two of the children. They were at my feet, under the table playing with toy cars.

"Asher, Blake. Maybe you should come out from under the table." I whispered to them. They both, at the same time, crawled up my legs and onto my lap.

"Hi!" they giggled, a lisp in their young voices. Asher giggled even more as Blake pulled funny faces.

"You know" Liam joked, "if you stay like that for too long, you'll be suck like that."

They looked at each other, then looked at me worried. Well, as worried as two years faces can be. I laughed,

"Don't worry, it's not real" they wore relieved expressions, "or is it?"

They did that whole scream-laugh thing then giggled.

I laughed at the twins as Pyron tried to feed them.

"Just eat the bloody food!" Pyron shouted, frustrated.

"Here, I"ll feed them."I exclaimed as he just about threw something. He let out an aggravated sigh and waved his hands out exasperated,

"Okay, fine then, you do it. I'm done!"

I grabbed the food off of him, and started walking towards the twins.

"Are you going to eat this?" I asked, knowing their answer would be no. They shook their heads, exactly as I thought they would do.

"Eat this food and I'll give you each a lolly afterwards." I tempted them with. They agreed, thinking they out-foxed me. I put their food out in front of them and they threw some at one another.

"Eat it properly or no lolly." I hissed at them.They grabbed a spoon and ate quietly.

"How did you do that?" Mandra asked.

"I have my ways." I said mischieviously, raising my eyebrows. The others had finished what felt like years ago. I head Liam make an "oh" sound. He must have got a text from Danielle. I have no hate for her, I'm just jealous is all. She's beautiful, smart, kind and a dancer. I'm no where near as pretty, I'm smart but not that kind of smart and I can be kind but I could be a total biyatch. I sighed.Averi came up to me,

"Are you okay? You look sad." she said.

"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry. I'm just bored is all." I replied.

The wind in my fur was great, the breeze, the sun, the perfect weather. It was all too much for me. I could handle the sunlight, it made me feel warm. The breeze was subtle but calm, if that makes sense.But, I love the feeling of the wind in my fur, also my hair.

'I wish I could stay out here forever.' I said to Nymeria.

'I wish we could as well, but we can't. Life is not always this easy, especially when our mate does not know how we are tied together.' she said back. Summer was there in the back of our mind. We ran to Summer, searching for any sign of enemies or trespassers. There were none. I shifted back into my human form and ran towards Summer.As soon as I got there I climbed up each branch towards my favourite.

'Sometimes I wish I could just ran away, you know? I just want to free of this curse.' I said to Nymeria and Summer.

'So you wish to not have me and Summer? You wish that here was no mind link between you, Summer and myself?' Nymeria retorted bitterly.

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