Chapter 26

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As I walk into homeroom, eyes are on me when the door closes behind me. I hear gasps and whispers as I quietly walk to my seat. Noah is at the back of the classroom at the bookshelf. The whispers cause him to turn around. His sparkly eyes meet mine, and my eyes start to tear up. I cant stop the tears running down my face. I don't know if its the fact that I got taken advantage of and beat up in an alley way 10 minutes ago, or the pain in Noah's eyes that I know I caused.

I immediately put my head down when I reach my seat as the tears continue to fall. How could I let this happen? this is my fault. None of this would have happened if I had just taken the ride with Noah. Before I realize what's happening, hands wrap around my arms and pull me out of my seat into the hallway. "Ally? What happened?" I stay quiet as I start to feel dizzy. "Baby please. Talk to me. What's wrong? Why are you all bruised up?" Noah starts to spin and my head starts to ache. "I think... im.. gonna fa-" I stutter as the room goes black and I feel my body collapse to the ground.

*Noah's point of view*

I walk to the back of the class to get the textbooks for the class. I hear the door shut and whispers start to carry around the room. As i turn around, Ally is walking to her seat. 20 minutes late, bruises all over her, hair a mess, and clothes ripped. What the fuck? She slowly limps to her seat and puts her head down. I rush over to her and practically carry her into the hallway. Tears stained all down her black and blue cheeks. "Ally? what happened?" I whisper. She doesn't say anything. She looks like she could faint any moment. "baby please. Talk to me? what happened? why are you all bruised up?" i start to worry even more. It looks like she is trying to talk but words aren't coming out of her mouth.

"I think... Im.. gonna fa-" she stutters as her body drops to the ground. HOLY FUCK! I hold my hand under head and I rub her cheek with my thumb. "Ally? BABY PLEASE! Open your eyes!" I yell. I open the classroom door yelling to the class. "Somebody call 911! She's unconscious!" Everybody reached for their phone and Samantha turner starts dialing. I pick her up and wrap my jacket around her. Her fingers are ice hold.

As the paramedics carry her out, she is still unconscious. I hold her hand all the way there not caring who see's. She would be pissed at how obvious I am being about it but I don't give a fuck. she is the only thing I care about right now and I just need her to come back to me.

We reach the hospital and they rush her inside. How can she still be unconscious? They bring her in and make me wait outside. What could they possibly be doing that I cant be in there for? she passed out. She wasn't hit by a car. I hope. I still have no clue where all of her bruises came from. "Are you her significant other?" the nurse asks me as she walks out. I contemplate for a quick second on how to answer this question. Fuck it. That's my girlfriend in there. "Yes. I am." I answer confidently. "You may see her now but she is still unconscious. Just be aware that she has been through a lot this morning. It its not normal for someone to pass out and still be unconscious even after a breathing tube has been involved." She informs me.

"Do you guys know where all of the bruises came from?" I ask, sending chills down my body. "we have a pretty good guess." She calmly says. "There are bruises on her neck. Thumb prints and..." she pauses. "Go on." my eyes start to water. "Hickeys. And there are multiple bruises around her pelvic region, showing force and aggression. Her clothes are torn, and she has scraps on her knees and arms. Possibly from falling, trying to run away, or.. being thrown to the ground. And given the evidence from everything else, that could be a good possibility in this case." I'm speechless. I literally have no words. My mind cant take all of this. And ally. Oh my fucking god. When i find the mother fucker who did this to her, he is fucking dead. No doubt about it.

And just when i think it cant get any worse, the doctor continues. "She has a fractured elbow and a broken rib. I'm sorry. But you are welcome to go in and see her. Just be mindful. We don't want her to feel more overwhelmed than she already has been." The doctor walks away and i wipe the tears away. I walk into the room, and she is awake. Seeing her stained cheeks, and weak body, the tears start falling again. "Noah?" she weakly says. "Yea baby. Its me." i walk over to the side of the bed and lay my head in her lap. I start crying like a little bitch. Whimpers and all.

"Noah please don't cry. I'm fine, I promise" Her voice starts to crack knowing that she is crying now to. "Ally please tell me that the doctors are wrong. Please tell me you just a terrible fucking fall. Please. I cant handle the fact that someone else had their hands on you." as the words come out, i notice how selfish they sound. She most likely got raped, and here i am begging her to tell me something different happened. "Noah." she whispers. Still crying. "I'm so sorry. This is my fault. If i would have just taken the ride with you this morning, this wouldn't have happened." Is she really apologizing to ME right now? How could this POSSIBLY be her fault?

"Ally listen to me. This is NOT your fault. Whoever thinks that they can do this to you and get away with it, has their shit twisted. Baby i love you so much and im so sorry this happened to you. Please just do me a favor and don't blame yourself for this. Please." i kiss her on the cheek being mindful of her injuries. "okay. im sorry. I promise. I love you so much. thankyou for everything. I don't know what i would do without you." she quietly whispers.

i hear a knock at the door, and thinking its going to be one of the doctors, i tell them to come in. But i was not expecting the person who came in. I quickly stand up and back away from the side of the bed where ally is laying. My heart starts to race and ally looks up at me with worried eyes. I give her the "im so sorry i got us into this mess" look as Principal Marsh walks in.

"Mr. Carter, i would like to have a word with you out in the hallway please." my heart drops as she walks toward the door, motioning me her way. I give Ally a quick glance as I step out of the door.

*allys point of view*

My heart drops as Principal Marsh walks into the room. Oh no. This can not be happening. Not here, not now. Not after everything that has already happened this morning.  She asks to see Noah out in the hallway. The exact thing I didn't want to happen. As they walk out of the room, Noah gives me the weakest look i have ever seen in my entire life.

When the door closes behind him, I try my hardest to hear something. Anything. But it seems as if all sound has been completely drowned out from outside this room. I start to wonder if i will ever hear Noahs sweet laugh again, the one that brightens up any room. If i will ever feel his lips against mine again, or if i will ever feel his touch against my skin again.

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