Chapter 27

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*Beware, This chapter hops back and forth between POV's. Just wanted to let y'all know so you don't get confused ❤️ LOVE YA! hope you love reading the story as much as I am making it !! btw i'm typing this chapter on my phone and not my laptop, so sorry if there are any spelling mistakes. I'm trying my best to scan over as much as possible while i'm writing. Okay, I'm actually leaving this time, see ya xoxo

*Noah's point of view*

As I step out into the hallway, I worry about the fact that principal marsh can probably hear my heart beating out of my chest. The nurses down the hall probably can too. I am absolutely unaware of the words that are going to come out of her mouth. Is she going to carry my ass to jail? Or asked me what happened? Or ask me why I'm here if I'm just her teacher? I have no clue and that's what terrifies me.

"So I was informed by one of the students that they overheard you call Ms. Ryder 'baby'? Car to explain that Mr. Carter?" she starts right off. No hesitation. She got right to the point which means she has no time for my shit. Do I lie? I cant risk the consequences. "There must be a misunderstanding Principal Marsh." I guess I'm going with the lie.

"Are you calling my students liars?" she fires back. Jesus. this woman is feisty. "Of course not. I'm just simply implying that they must have misheard. I have no reason to be calling Ms. Ryder 'baby'." I hate calling Ally 'Ms. Ryder'. It sounds so degrading to me.

"Well we do not take these things lightly. I will have to check the security cameras to see what went on in the hallway. And whatever I see on there will decide my further actions." She strictly responds, her heals clicking down the hallway as she walks away. As I try to rethink what happened in the hallway, I'm pretty sure the only thing I did was catch her as she was falling. I think? I fucking hate myself for not remembering.

I walk back into the room with my head down, fearing that Ally will see my cry again for the 100th time today. "What happened?" she whispers. "Someone heard me call you baby. And she is checking the tapes to see if I touched you in any way I guess." I blatantly respond. Tears form in her eyes and she drops her head, the same way mine did. She holds her head in her hands. I feel like a complete asshole. She does not deserve this. Especially considering everything she has already been through this morning. I sit on the bed next to her and just hug her as we cry into each other.

"What are we gonna do?" she's crying so hard, I can barely make out the words. "I don't know baby. I guess we just wait and see what marsh's decision is." I force the words out. "How did all of this happen?" she whimpers. "I feel like just yesterday everything was perfect."

"It was." Are the only words I can think of to say. "Everything was perfect, and everything will be perfect again. No matter what happens, I love you. And I will never stop loving you. I don't care if I'm 'illegally loving you' or not." I air quote. "I love you too." She hugs me tighter.

*Ally's Point Of View*

I wake up with Noah's arms still wrapped around me. Both of our cheeks stained with tears. "Noah," I shake him. "What time is it?" I ask quietly. He reaches in his back pocket and pulls out his phone. "It's almost 1." He hoarsely responds. "A.M?" My eyes widen. We slept for over 12 hours? And no one came in?

"Yes baby. 1 A.M. Do you want to go down and get something from the vending machine or something?" He stands up, adjusting his collared polo shirt. "You can if you want. I don't think I can get up." I pout. "Okay love. I'll be back in 2 minutes." He walks out gently closing the door behind him.

I hear the door open again approximately 2 seconds later. "I forgot to ask," Noah pops his head around the corner of the door. "What do you want baby?" I chuckle. God I'm so in love with this man. "I think i'll just have some blue Doritos." I smile. Noah laughs, "Cool ranch?" "Yea those." I smirk. "Do you want anything to drink?" "I'll just take a water thankyou." "Okay baby. I'll be back in a jiffy." He smiles. "Thankyou!" I try to quietly yell as he closes the door.

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