I am the Devil's smile.

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I took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping in, "Hey guys!"

They just stared for a moment before C.C. exclaimed, pointing at me, "WHAT'S THAT!?!".

I looke down and all over. "What? Is there something on my shirt?", I asked playing it off.

"NO! IN IT!"

"Oh that, I swallowed a soccer ball."

"It looks like you should've swallowed something.", Jake smirked.

"Ha-ha. Look who's the comedian.", I stated with a grin.

Strangely Ash didn't say anything, while Jake and C.C. babbled a million questions.

"Hold up! Let me put my stuff down then I'll fill you in."

As I began the climb, Juliet exited Andy's room and exclaimed when she saw me, "HOLY SHIT!"; then Andy appeared behind her, his smile fell away and his face turned ashen white.

"Hey Jules, how was your tour?", I asked while hugging her neck.

"Fine. What's been happening with you?", she giggled, her eyes wide.

"Not much.", I smiled and turned to Andy, "Hey Andy!".

"Hey.", was all the words he could muster.

"I'll be right back.", I stated and entered my room. I closed my door behind me and slumped against it, letting out a long sigh. I waited until I heard Jinxx and Sammi return, before I came out; I listened to the hushed whispering among them, so I interrupted, "Hey Sammi! You look amazing!".

"OH MY GOD!", she squealed running up to me. "TELL. ME. EVERYTHING."

"Okay guys, if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm pregnant."

"No shit.", Jake grinned.

I flipped him off and continued, "I'm four months, I don't know what it is yet, I'm a single mom, and that's all there is to know!"

Then Ashley finally spoke up, "Not all, Whose is it?".

"A short lived boyfriend I had the misfortune of dating.", I stated, hoping that would be the end of it.

The guys were grabbing plates and opening the food Jinxx and Sammi had picked up, it was Chinese and for once it smelled really good! Juliet and Sammi had me cornered asking me for all the juicy details, while a third was eavesdropping near by. "Alright. His name was Ryan, I met him after ya'll left. We dated for a few months and when I told him I was pregnant; he bolted and I haven't seen him since. End of story."

"Dirt-bag!", Sammi stated. "What a sorry motherfucker!", Juliet added.

"I know, but I love my baby and that's all that matters."

During dinner I steered the conversation away from me and to their tours; we had fun catching up and only once I caught Andy staring at me, well more at my stomach. Afterwards, I excused myself feigning sleep and went to my room.

I laid there listening to all the chatter downstairs, until the voices died away and all was gone. I heard Andy slowly climbing the stairs, one by one; he stopped at my door and knock. I stayed quiet, holding my breath until he walked away; I just can't talk to him right now.


I heard Nikki's voice downstairs and rushed Juliet out of the room so we could see her; I guess I missed her more than I thought I did. Juliet stopped at the top of the stairs and I rushed up behind her to see what she was gawking at.

When I caught sight of her I was shocked, it was like my whole life flashed before my eyes and a lot of the screen shots were of that one night. "Hey", was all I managed to say because a knot was forming in my throat.

I sat through dinner staring at her stomach, the words 'oh my god' get replaying themselves over and over in my mind. I guess I was making her uncomfortable, because she got up and went to bed.

I wanted to talk to her but I couldn't until everyone left; when they did, I knocked on her door but she didn't answer. I laid awake in my bed all night, everything was tumbling through my mind like a raging current.


I was up early finishing my packing when morning sickness struck again; I hurled until I was left with only dry-heaving; then I rubbed my belly, "You don't like Chinese, do you? You little devil!" I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and dried my hands before opening the door; Andy was standing in front of it. I jumped, "Shit! Don't do that!".

"You alright?", he asked.

"Yes.", I answered. I sensed he was about to ask something else so I walked away.

I swished the door shut, but he caught it and pushed it open, looking around, "What's this?".

"I finally found an apartment, I'm just finishing packing up."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm telling you now, it's close to work and you can have your place back to yourself." I was hoping he would go away, but he just stood there.

"Is it mine?"

And there it was, the ever dreaded question I was trying to avoid, so I pretended not to hear him.

"Nikki! Is it mine?"

God I hate saying this...


I awoke to a door slamming, I walked into the hall and heard Nikki hurling. Poor thing. I stood there and waited for her to come out. "Shit! Don't do that!", she screeched when she saw me.

I opened my mouth to ask my question but she walked off, I followed her to her room and was sidetracked by seeing all the boxes. I was bummed when she said she was moving, because I didn't want her to go; but that was the least of my worries. I came right out with it, "Is it mine?".

She didn't say anything, "Nikki! Is it mine?"

"No.", was the short answer she gave me.

After I showered, I walked to a nearby park to be alone and think... It has to be mine! She's never talked about a boyfriend before now. I just don't know how to make her tell me. What am I going to do? What would she want? Would she even want me around? How would I tell Juliet? Would I lose her? Will she leave me? Would it really matter if she did? A million questions and not a single answer.

When I returned home it was eerily quiet and there was a note laying on the table, it had her address on it and a short message... [Thanks Andy, for everything. I'll see you later!] I walked into her room and sat down on the bed, the house is so empty without her.


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