I am the chosen.

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We rode around with the windows down and the warm air blowing through my fingers; Andy stopped at an overlook beside the ocean and got out. We sat dangling our feet over the edge, listening to the waves crashing on the rocks below us. "Have you ever been here before?", he asked.

"Yeah, a few times, when I wanted it all to end. I would lean wayyy over staring at the rocks, pondering if I'd stay there or float out to sea, then I couldn't do it."

"What stopped you?", his voice sounded sad about my admission.

"This sounds crazy I guess, but, I'd hear you tell me to stop." I felt his eyes boring into me, so I turned to open another beer. "Anyway... this spot is beautiful in the daylight."


He still sounded unhappy; so I veered the conversation, "So, is this your spot to bring the girlies to?".

"No, I've never brought anyone here before now."

"Weeell, don't I feel special!", I laughed out.

"You are too sarcastic."

"I know it!"

We sat there quietly for a while before Andy turned and kissed me, he used his body to lean me back on the ground; it was slow, soft, and long, and took me back to a lost memory... to the night in the cabin. I let out a happy sigh when his lips escaped me, he grabbed my hand, pulling me up with him, "Come on, I need to get you home."

"What am I? Twelve?"


"Sorry.", I giggled. As he drove back to the shop, I looked at him and saw we both had smiles plastered on our faces. Perma-grin! I thought and burst out laughing.

"What?", he asked as he pulled into the parking lot.


"Tell me!"


"Well, if you're not going to tell me...", he said throwing the car into park. "I'm gonna have to force it out of you." He put his hands at the back of my neck and pulled me to him, burying my lips with his; this kiss was heated, more animalistic, more to satiate a need. I stopped him before it went to far, we were both breathing heavily and he leaned his forehead against mine. "Can I see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah.", I breathed out. I drove home with my heart racing and my blood surging through my veins, I haven't felt this happy in a long time. For once it was euphoria that put me to sleep and not my meds.

It was Saturday and he took me out for dinner at quiet little french restaurant, we drank wine and talked over the soft tunes of romantic music playing in the background as he held my hand. But when we returned home, he did something I didn't expect.

Like a gentleman, he walked me to the door and I unlocked it to let us both in; but instead of entering, he took my hand and kissed it. "Goodnight Nikki.", he said then walked away. I stood there in awe, watching him leave, with a silly smile on my face.

My heart was fluttering as I was getting into bed, I laid there thinking of him, so I sent him a text...

N- U think ur smooth, don't u?

A- What?

N- I know what ur doing?

A- Is it working?

N- Maybe :) Goodnight.

I turned off my phone and fell asleep instantly.

The next week Oli begged me to go 'bar-hopping' with her Friday night, and reluctantly, I gave in. We started at the Burgundy and ended at the Rainbow; I only became suspicious when I noticed half the people there were wearing BVB tees. "Oli, what's going on?", I asked as we sat down at the bar.

BVB walked out on the small stage, "Hey motherfuckers! Here's the deal, I promised a buddy I'd help him out; so we're here to do a few songs for you tonight!" They started with Sweet Blasphemy, then Die For You and Ritual; after that was I Am Bulletproof, Wretched and Divine, and they closed out with In the End.

I hadn't seen them on stage in ages and the charisma that fills Andy during a performance is something to behold. All the girlies where screaming and reaching for them; I smiled at the spectacle of it all. He walked off stage to get some water and after a minute he came back drinking it; he looked down at the crowd below him and started talking to them in his deep sultry voice, "You thought that was the last one didn't you?".

He took another swig from the bottle and handed it to a girl in the front row, I thought she was going to faint. "Nah, I've got one more left in me." He stood up and looked straight to the back of the bar, "Nikki! This ones for you!" He started singing Rebel Love Song and I was struck with another dose of 'perma-grin."'.

After they left the stage I turned to Oli, "You're evil!".

"Yes I am.", she agreed.

In the midst of our conversation a big burly man walked up to us, "Are you Nikki?".

"Uh, yeah."

"Mr. Biersack wants to see you two, follow me."

"Yes sir!", I saluted, but he wasn't amused.

The man led us through a side door and to an alcove in the corner, where a smaller bar was placed, "Wait here, Mr. B. will be out in a moment."

"Well, wasn't he the most superb conversationalist!", I remarked as we ordered us another drink.

Not long after a pair of long arms wrapped around my waist, I was ready to lay out whoever was getting 'fresh' with me when I saw that it was Andy. "Hey beautiful!"

"Why hello there!", I giggled.

"Did you enjoy the show?"

"Of course I did, thanks for the embarrassing shout out by the way."

"You're welcome. I like throwing it out there."

"Throwing what out there?"

"That I'm crazy about you!", he answered nuzzling his face into the side of my neck.

Ash walked out and slung his arm over Oli's shoulder, "How was 'bar-hopping' tonight?".

"So much fun!", she squealed. Ash leaned down and whispered something in her ear; her eyes lit up, a smile spread across her face, and she giggled like a school girl.

"Oh hell, I'm about to lose you aren't I?", I asked.

"Oh yeah. Definitely!"

"Which one of you drove tonight?", Andy asked.

"I did.", I answered.

Andy dug in his pocket and pulled out his keys, then handed them to Ash, who disappeared out the back door with Oli in tow. He came around and sat down on the stool in front of me, "You want to go to another bar?".

"Nah, these places are hot as hell! I can drink at home without burning up!"

He put out his hand, "Keys."

I gladly handed them over as my buzz was finally kicking in, we strolled to my car being stopped on the way by two fans. I walked ahead of him, not wanting to intrude on the girls 'special' moment.


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