I am the Innocent.

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ARE YOU READYYYY! (I typed that with Jonathan Davis' voice in my head, lol)

Here it is... drama packed and to the point; and it's not loaded up with a lot of filler. That shit wastes time, and honestly bores the reader to death. (usually me)

So, without further ado... another story as promised. It took a while, but I hope all who reads it, enjoys it.


Hi, I'm Nikki... Nikki Leigh. I'm twenty years old and my life's pretty much shit, but I live it.

When I turned eighteen my parents kicked me out; they weren't anything to brag about, both drunks who figured I was old enough to fend for myself. So, I can thank them for that; I'm a better person because of it.

I rented a small apartment and with the job I had, I managed just fine... until about three months ago. The shop I worked in closed and I couldn't find another job fast enough; when the money I had saved ran out, so did my place to stay.

For over a month now I've been living in my car; which wouldn't have been so bad except the seasons have changed again and I'm freezing to death. At night I park my car behind buildings and close to walls, to help keep some of the cold air from getting in.

A few days ago I began to feel ill, all the usual cold symptoms at first. I managed to scrape up a few extra dollars for cough medicine, then wrapped myself in a warm blanket in my front seat.

A couple of hours ago it started getting worse. Shivering uncontrollably one minute, then feeling as if I'm on fire and coughing my head off the next. I'm drifting in and out of consciousness for what seems like forever, and when I am awake I'm light-headed and everything is spinning.

So here I am, in a moment of sweltering suffocation; I throw the blanket off me and crack my window for some air, but it doesn't help. I exit my car and lean against it; feeling the cold blast of air against my skin, but I still can't breathe.

I try focusing on my surroundings and I see some people coming out of the building in front of me; I need help and they're the only ones around. I start to stumble in their direction, frantically determined to reach them.

I'm now pouring sweat and I pull off my coat, dropping it on the ground. I forced out a weak plea as I tripped and started to fall, "Help me." The last thing I remember was conveying in a raspy voice 'can't breathe' as someone caught me.


We were on our way home from the last stop of the tour, when the bus chose to break down in some God-forsaken town. The mechanic said it would take a few days to get the part to repair it; so we decided to just stay here until then, instead of flying home.

We got a few rooms in the hotel that was within walking distance of the garage; and for nightly entertainment, we hit the bar up the road. Tonight Jinxx and Jake stayed in to talk to their women; and Ashley, C.C., and I went out to get drunk.

It was about midnight when C.C. and I stepped out to smoke and Ash tagged along for some air. We were standing there talking when Ash heard a car door open and saw a girl step out; we laughed a little as she stumbled towards us like a zombie, thinking she was drunk. She mumbled something I couldn't make out then tripped on the broken pavement.

I dashed over and grabbed her before she hit the ground; she forced out the words 'can't breathe' before her eyes rolled back in her head.

"FUCK! She's burning up!"

"Andy, she needs to get to a hospital, I think we passed one coming in.", Ash told me.

I picked her up and ran to her car, "C.C. drive, Ash try to find something with her name on it."

C.C. got in the driver's seat, Ash grabbed her coat and jumped in the back going through her things, and I sat in the passenger seat holding her close to me; I could feel the heat emanating off her body.

As we pulled into the parking lot Ash exclaimed, "Found it! Her names Nikki Leigh."; then shoved her ID into my pocket. I jumped out and ran inside with her in my arms, "I need help here, she's burning up!".

Some nurses came and took her from me, disappearing with her behind a curtain. A few minutes later one of the nurses stepped out asking her name, "It's Nikki Leigh".

"Your name?"

"Andrew Biersack."

"And how do you know Miss Leigh?"

"I-I-I-I'm her boyfriend... Is she alright?", I asked trying to sidetrack her.

"We'll let you see her in a minute, take these and fill them out please.", she said rudely and shoved a clipboard at me. I went to a far corner in the waiting room to sit down, I didn't want them seeing me use her ID to fill them in.

"Boyfriend?", Ash asked sitting down.

"What else was I supposed to say?"

"I hope Juliet doesn't find out about your new 'girlfriend'.", C.C. chimed in giggling. I elbowed him with a stern look on my face and he shut up.

An hour passed before a doctor came out calling my name. "Yes.", I answered walking up to him.

"Mr. Biersack, Nikki has the flu. She was severely dehydrated so we gave her some IV fluids, and we got her fever to come down a little. There's no reason for us to admit her, so you can take her home. She's completely exhausted and will probably sleep for a long while."

"Okay.", I answered with other things on my mind.

"We'll give you enough medications to get through the night, and her prescriptions to get filled tomorrow. So, as soon as you sign the release forms, she's free to go."

"Thank you.", I mumbled as I began signing them.

"Uh, Andy, where is she going to go?", C.C. asked.


That's it, end of the first chapter. What do you think? Let me know, all comments are appreciated.

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