Prompto x Reader: Fate

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I'll be using first-person for this chapter~ Hope you guys like it!


One thing was for certain.

I wasn't born at Niflheim nor was I a magitek experiment.

I was a Lucian.

Born from a simple family living in a small shack near Hammerhead post. My mother was a housewife, while my father was a mechanic at Hammerhead.

Every day, he'd bring me with him to work and let me play with Cindy, the head mechanic Cid's granddaughter, who was about a year or two older than me and she also had this weird accent that would make you think that she was a cowboy or something like that.

We would always play at some garage that was now converted to Takka's diner and look for rusted and discarded car parts to give them to Cid and my father at the end of the day, which we would both receive a pat on the head and get treated to a cup of ice cream.

One day while we were goofing around the garage, some group of kids were crowding near the post. They were elementary students having a field trip, but of course neither Cindy nor I knew that since we never got to attend school so we went to check out the other kids.


I saw the most adorable and cutest blonde fatso.

He was standing behind the line, fiddling with something I didn't know of since no one in Hammerhead had it yet, a camera. He placed it in front of his face, pressing a button and smiling after he glanced at the back of that thing.

Cid called me, which I immediately obliged and walked. "That's the Crown Prince." he said, pointing at another kid with raven hair who seemed to be attracting a peanut gallery after getting out from a fancy, black car but cared less. He was half the blonde kid's size.

My eyes found their way back at the blonde and to my surprise, he had looked at my direction as well. I was contemplating whether I should look away or wave but my cheeks felt like they were burning. Before I could make up my mind, he slightly jumped, realizing that I was staring at him and flinched.

I thought I was making him uncomfortable so I looked away in guilt, head hung low and glancing at him for the last time before going back inside the garage.

And of course, Cindy, being the nosy kid she was when we were kids, kept bugging me about the kid. "So, who was that chubby guy? Your new boyfriend?" she nudged at me and I laughed.

"Cindy~ You know we're not allowed to have boyfriends yet, we're too young! Plus, we just had eye contact, that's all!" I pressed on, slightly blushing at the memory of the plump blonde.

Of course, Cindy didn't let the topic die and kept on telling me I should find out who that was. It shocked me how her mind could work like that a young age haha

She was a lot mature and older than me of course, so she knows a lot more than I do. And she lives at Hammerhead, a lot of drivers from the city come and go. Surely a lot of them spill the beans about everything so she must've heard lots of things from them.

Meanwhile, I was a farm girl. Of course, I had no chance at living the metropolitan life. I was contented with just having Cindy and my family.

It was always like that for years. Until my mother died 10 years later. I was 18, Cindy was 20. My father changed when mother died, his face now replaced with a permanent frown that seemed to make him look a lot older. He never brought me with him to work again which became the reason why Cindy and I grew apart from each other. I was always left alone at the house.

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