Prompto x Reader: That One Day In February Pt. 1

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I AM..


Once again I was in a really long hiatus so I wasn't able to update for months. But anyway, here you all go for the mean time.

Here's another Prompto x reader for all of you lovelies~


That one day, he cherished you in his arms.

That one day, he whispered to you how much he loved you.

That one day, he looked at you as if you were the only light in the darkness in his life.

That one day, he held you, never wanting to let go.

And that one day, you wished that tomorrow never came.


You have loved him for so long. In fact, one could say that you were already too much. Too delusional. Too imaginative. Of course he would never be with you. He has that beautiful maiden beside him. To love him, to hold him, to kiss him. She was an angel, that woman.

You, on the other hand, thought you would never be able to compare with her. It was true. You weren't ugly but she was just too pretty. She was a rich girl from another kingdom, the same kingdom as his. And you, you were only a caretaker at an inn at a worn-out stop over by the outskirts of a neighboring kingdom. How could you possibly ever compare to her?

So you thought you should give up. Until that one night came.


There was a loud banging on the door. "Good heavens, what and who on earth in their right mind would desecrate a crumbling door of a crumbling inn?! One more flick and this building is going to collapse!" An old woman dressed in a yellow nightgown sauntered down the stairs, squinting her eyes at the front door, the lamp she was holding being the only source of light for the whole floor.

She made her way towards the door, opening it in a slightly angry manner.

You were awakened by the loud noise coming from outside of your room since your room was on the first floor of the inn. You could swear it was the mistress' booming voice that woke you from your slumber instead of the loud banging on the door.

But still, you sat up, scratching your eyes and also wondering who could be out at night, in the middle of nowhere, having no choice but to settle inside the inn. You let out a small groan as your head hit a small beam sticking out from the worn out ceiling as you shot up, standing.

"What now?" You muttered, still half asleep.

But then your (e/c) hues opened wide when you saw who was knocking after the mistress opened the door.

"Can we use a room?" asked a panting Noctis, with Ignis on his other side and someone between them, holding on to their shoulders for support, as if he would fall if he was left alone standing by himself.

You raised a hand towards your face, almost covering your mouth and letting out a small gasp as you led them towards the other room beside yours. The room was a lot better, more space and less dusty. The old mistress didn't really argue since she saw the situation seemed dire.

"Noctis?! What happened? ("That's 'Prince Noctis' for you, young lady!" The old woman scolded you in between your words as soon as you called him just 'Noctis'.) you exclaimed, too panicked to even notice who the guy they were carrying was.

"Niflheims happened." Gladiolus grunted from the back as he followed.

'If... If Noctis and Ignis are the ones carrying that limp body, and Gladio's behind them. Then... Then it must be...'

"Prompto." You gasped again, snapping towards that limp and weakened body, helping Noctis and the others prop him on the bed properly, being careful not to hurt him more than he had already been feeling.

"I'll get a warm and damp towel so you can wipe the soot and dirt off that young man's wounds." the mistress turned, leaving the room as she slightly bowed at Noctis in respect. (Which he didn't really liked at all. If he wasn't in a serious situation at the moment, he'd cringe.)

You rushed towards Prompto's figure, hands shaking as they were hovering beside his arms, not knowing whether to touch him or not. "These... These gashes.. They're Niflheim burns, aren't they?"

You turned to Ignis, who nodded. Out of all the 4, Ignis was the one you trusted the most when it came to healthcare and healing battle scars and wounds. Let's say you two could be very good friends since you both were knowledgable in the recovery field.

"The worse thing is that he was shot by this." He pulled out a small dart-like bullet out of his pocket, handing it to you.

You took a look at it and as soon as you saw the tip, you knew exactly what it was. You were one of the former medics for the Niflheims before Noctis and his company busted inside the base, also the reason why you're buddy-buddy with the crown prince and his possé.

It was a drug shot specifically made for tortures but mostly for recruitment. It was supposed to make people forget although it was slightly faulty and only a few memories were forgotten and it only lasted for a day. You even wondered why they'd use it. Maybe it wasn't faulty anymore.

That night, you didn't sleep a wink. Your eyes attempted to close for a few times but Prompto's well being was more important than anything else right now, you thought. You needed to get him through this. Even if he never loved you back.

The next morning, you had fallen asleep after everyone was assured that all that Prompto needed was rest and the rest of you needed to as well. The other three were given their own rooms and you . . . Well you preferred to stay in Prompto's room and be there when he wakes up and if he ever needs anything. You pretty much volunteered to watch over him while he was inside the inn.

You were in the middle of a dream when Prompto started to regain consciousness and stir from his place, making you slur and slowly open your eyes, still a bit sleepy at first. The moment you realized Prompto was already awake, your body shot up in an instance.

"Ignis!" you called the first person that definitely had the idea of what to do now that the blonde guy has woken up. You were tending to Prompto as he was grunting while slowly sitting up—slightly flinching in pain from his tended wounds.

"Ignis, is that my name?" Prompto muttered as he placed a hand on his head, eyes squinting. Ignis had just entered the room in a hurry and was able to hear what Prompto said. "Who. . . are you?"

You didn't know how to answer him.

Did he actually just forget who he was?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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