THE FOUR IF... Pt. 3

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                             gave them chocolate on Valentine's Day:

Noctis: Will deny the fact that the chocolates you gave him tasted great. You won't be the first to give him chocolates and you'd feel slightly discouraged since a lot of other girls were giving him as well so you decided to bail out but he stops you and in fact, the only valentine's chocolate he'd eat are the ones you gave him.

Gladiolus: He would blush like a mad kitten and try to hide it. He'd try to repay you and make his own homemade chocolates but he'll end up destroying the kitchen.

Ignis: You won't. You'll be scared he'd criticize the way you'd make the chocolates since he's a much better cook than you are yet you'd make some anyway since he'll insist that you do and he'd eat it regardless of what it would taste like.

Prompto: He'll most probably act as if you were proposing to him and freak out. But he loves the gesture. He'd gobble up everything and you'll see him the next day, jogging the life out of his newly-gained fats. were pregnant and giving in to your cravings:

Noctis: Caretakers everywhere. You have five for each category: fruits, vegetables, stews, sauces, juices, etc. But of course Noctis would do his best to be there and provide for your weird-ass cravings even though he's busy with kicking Daemon ass jk

Gladiolus: You will be spoon-fed :3 Although he won't touch you at first since he's scared he might break you and the baby with his large build xD So you'd end up with having Iris as your assistant for the whole craving thing.

Ignis: Welcome to Buffet 101 lol You'd have endless supply of food that would provide sufficient amount of nutrients for the baby. Your cravings? Ehh, Ignis won't pay much attention to your cravings since they're somewhat 'unhealthy', according to him. But he'll eventually give in and provide you with what you need.

Prompto: All the usual cravings a pregnant woman have will be laid out in front of you. You'll see Prompto holding a 'Pregnancy 101' book everywhere and pampering you with lots of love. Too much that you yourself will shoo him away in irritation and he'll pout about it yet continue to baby you. have a barcode on your wrist:

Noctis: He'll accept you with open arms as he accepted Prompto's real identity.

Ignis: The more reason he'd keep you. It would slightly be hard for him to accept the truth but he'll come to eventually.

Gladiolus: He won't care. He loves you and that's that. Nothing can change that. If any of those Magiteks try to lay a hand on you he'd crush them like ants.

Prompto: "Oh cool! How much are you? I'm 20 000 gil."

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