Prompto x Reader AU: I Fell

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Another Prompto Oneshot and in first person~!! Istg, Prompto is getting all the attention hahaha ilovehimsomuch BUT ANYWAY, here's a short yet angsty one for you guys~

I hope you like it!


My breath shook at every word he gave.

"I am sick and tired of you trying to control my life!" he shouted, shoving his hand at me.

I frowned at him, "Control? I'm not trying to control you. For God's sake Prompto, I'm trying to care for you!" I almost reached the edge. Why can't he see that I was just trying to worry and take care of him like how a girlfriend should do?

"I know this is hard for the both of us, but I'm trying! Can't you at least appreciate just one thing I've ever done for you?!" I continued.

He took a step towards me, his face painted with disgust and hate, "Trying? Why are you even trying? You know this wouldn't work, I told you. I'm not the kind of guy that you expect me to be, heck, (Y/n), I hate commitments and I don't like people telling me what to do and what not to do!"

I waved my hands, trying to calm myself but I was doing a very bad job at doing so, "My God, Prompto! You are such an ass!"

"Well yeah?! Don't be surprised! Why can't you just be like any other girl I've dated under the sheets?! A one-night stand, (Y/n)! A goddamn one-night stand was all I needed from you! Not this!" he shouted back again.

It was then when my heart finally shattered into pieces. It seemed like time had stopped and there was only me and his hurtful words that mattered.

I let out a shaky gasp, tears pooling in my eyes as I remained silent for a while before I snapped back at him, "So that's what I was to you after all? A one-night stand bitch? So all those 'I love you's from you were lies? All our dreams and promises were cushioning over needles?"

I shook my head, taking one last glance at him, face still streaming with tears before I finally ran out of his house even though he was calling after me.

I wasn't planning to fall in love with you too, you know.

But at some point you smiled, and I fell.

Deeper into your lies.

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