Chapter Eighteen

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Maxon pov

I rushed into my father's study with Amelia in tow. I had so many questions about what I had just heard, and I needed answers. Once we got to the door, I continuously knocked until I heard a 'come in' from the other side. I walked in and he looked up at me.

"I was wondering when you were going to come. Sit, I'm sure you have questions." Then he narrowed his eyes at Amelia. "Why's she here?"

"I asked her to. Now tell me, why is Kriss being executed?" I asked impatiently. Father sighed.

"A guard that was patrolling a hall that not many people go into and saw Kriss sneaking around over there. He found it rather suspicious and decided to follow her. He ended up following her to a secret tunnel that had led to the outside. Once she reached the end the guard hid and waited to see what would happen. About two other people were talking to her and by the looks of it, they were southern rebels. The guard heard her say something along the lines of 'our next attack" and 'find the assistant girl' "He explained.

Amelia visibly stiffened beside me. I glanced up at her and she looked pale. I grabbed her hand and gave her a sympathetic look. She looked back with a grateful one.

"The guard heard the two others say 'chief' and 'queen' and at the end of their conversation, they said 'long live queen Kriss. Queen of all southern rebels.' I'm sure that even you know that was a dead giveaway. So, with that, the guard leaped out from his spot and pointed his gun at the three. They are currently in the dungeons. She will be trailed and executed within a week." Father finished.

I stood up and Amelia did as well. "I'm going to visit her." And with that, we left. After walking for a bit, I stopped and turned to Amelia.

"Amelia, your room should be fixed by now so you can take your stuff from the other room and go back to yours. I'm giving you the day off to rest since you didn't get any last night. If anything happens, tell a guard or maid to find me. Also, don't worry about what father said. We'll put a guard at your door just in case, but I promise I won't let anyone get to you okay?" She nodded.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you to see Kriss?" She asked and I gave her a small smile.

"I'm sure, I want to see her by myself and try to sort things out." With that, I walked her to her room, and we bid our goodbyes.

I hastily made my way down the stairs and through various halls into the dungeons. One of the guards that were standing guard led me to where Kriss and the others were. As we walked deeper into the large area, it became really dark. Soon enough we reach the spot the three were kept and I stared at Kriss who had chains around her feet and hands. Her hair was all messy and she had dirt marks all over her face and body. She was still wearing the same pastel yellow sundress as yesterday and her face had a permanent glare on as she looked at me. I asked the guard to open the cell door and leave for a few minutes. I walked in and stood in front of her.

"So, mind explaining?" I asked simply. In return, she glared at me harder.

"Whatever do you mean dear husband? I didn't do anything." She said sweetly.

"Cut the facade, I know you're the head of the southern rebels," I said sharply.

"Ah yes, so the old man told you hmm? I can't believe it took you over a year to figure it out. That just comes to show what an unobservant person you really are." She laughed. I looked at her confused.

"But how could I, I'm sure you've been trying to hide the fact that you are a rebel," I say.

"Have you seriously not noticed that every time there's an alarm I'm always calm? Or the fact that I'm always sneaking around? Or even the fact that I at first always slept in your room but then stopped all of the sudden? And that I am always coming to bed late whenever I do end up sleeping with you?" She asked. I stood there mortified. How had I not noticed?

"Makes sense, you were and always will be so very dense. I bet you never even noticed the tattoo on my ankle. Now that was a dead giveaway" She said rolling her eyes, pointing to the tattoo of a snake-shaped like an S. I always thought there was another meaning behind it! I sigh and mentally facepalm. I thought for a few minutes and I remember Amelia's room.

"Why did your men wreak Amelia's room?" I asked.

"Oh that, I don't know, she was getting on my nerves. Believe it or not Maxon, but I do like you. And I saw how much time you spent with her and I got a bit jelly, so I thought I'd give her a little surprise hehe." She giggled like an innocent child.

"You realize that you're going to be killed in two day's, right? Although you put yourself in this position, I still consider you as my younger sister" I said.

"Ha! Just like how you considered America to be your wife? Cause look how that turned out. And now look what happening to me. You know America and I are similar in a way." She said smirking.

"What do you mean? America was the total opposite of you." I said. They were never alike.

"We're both dying by your father's hands." She said grinning now. I tensed. What does she mean?


"You really are dense. I'll say this slowly. Your. Father. Killed. America. Didn't you find it weird; America had left to the washroom about ten minutes before the choosing ceremony began? And she looks so out of it as well, as if she was nervous or anxious about something. And then you got to think about this, why was Clarkson outside at that time, not to mention that he was in a pretty secluded when he should've been in the ballroom preparing everything with Amberly. It's possible she knew she was going to die, and the whole attack thing was just a cover. Besides, I never sent my men at that time." She explained.

It all made sense. Father never liked America, and he never liked the idea of us being together. The murderer of the one woman I've loved is my father.

"Even if what you're saying is true, we can't be sure. And should I be listening to someone who's killed, countless people?" I said, wanting to get out if here. I didn't want to hear any more.

"It's your choice but know that this is coming from a person who's planed countless murders as well. And oh, how fun it was" She laughed sadistically. I forgot whom I was talking to for a little.

"I need to go now, I have some work to do," I said starting to leave.

"Oh Maxon! I'm just letting you know, my men will be going after that dumb pig you call an assistant. It could be today, tomorrow, next week, next month or even next year. Right when you least expect it" She called as I started to leave. I whipped my head back and glared at her.

"You dare touch a hair on her head I will make your life a living hell." I threatened.

"Well, I mean, I can't exactly take the threat seriously since I'm dying tomorrow." She laughed.

"Goodbye Kriss," I said and walked away. Her laugh echoing throughout the whole hallway.

Once I was out of the cells, I walked up to the third floor and to Amelia's room to check on how she's doing. I also wanted to see if she knew anything about what Kriss said. I knocked on her door but there was no answer. I knocked again a little louder, but I still got the same response. I got a little worried and opened the door. My eyes widened and my heart stopped beating at what I saw.

Amelia was passed out on her bed with large fresh bloody whip lashes all over her back.


Hey guys! Horrible place to end the chapter I know but it was getting a bit too long. A lot is going on in this chapter lol. This took forever to write. Also, I'm sorry it's taking longer to update, I've been busy these past days and I'm fasting as well so that just makes it harder : /. I hope you guys enjoyed, remember to comment and vote cause I don't want to continue this fic if no one wants to read it.

Luv ya guysss<333




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