Chapter Twenty Nine

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Third POV

Maxon had been pacing around his office for 30 minutes now, waiting to hear from Aspen on the current situation. Every passing minute felt like torture to him.

It had been about 12 hours since Amelia had been taken and there was still no clues on who took her.

The words Maxon and Amelia last spoke to each other replayed continuously and each time he regretted it more and more.

'ARGH!! What was I thinking?! She'd still be here if it wasn't for my ignorance' Maxon thought as he nearly pulled his hair out of his head.

"Maxon?" Chris's voice brought Maxon back to reality.

"What?" Maxon exasperated. On the verge on tears.

"You look like you're about to go psycho. Come here and sit down." Chris ordered, pointing to the sofa he now stood behind.

Maxon wasn't in the right state of mind to get mad at him for ordering him around so he just obeyed and sat down on the sofa. Chris sighed looking at Maxon and sat down beside him.

"Look, I get why you're acting like this, but looking like your about to decapitate a head isnt going to bring her back. You need to stay calm." Chris started. Maxon looked at Chris helplessly. He felt so useless

"She's gone because I was being an idiot! I got upset cause she was with you and now look what happened! She gone Chris! Gone!!! If I wasn't so annoyed by what happened between the two of you then she'd still be sitting here." Maxon said, feeling like absolute garbage.

"Do you think Lia would be happy seeing you like this? I've seen how you've worked before, and this isnt how you act. You're the most calm and collected person I know when it comes to difficult situations like this. So if you want to find her you better stop mopping around about what happened between you two." Chris said.

Maxon sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Perhaps Chris was right, maybe he should stop-

"MAXON!!" Aspen burst through the office doors, cutting off Maxons thoughts. Both men stood up and waited in anticipation for what Apsen was about to say.

"We just recieved a videotape from the people who kidnapped miss Amelia." He said.

Maxons eyes widened as he scrambled to brag the tape out of Aspens hand.

"What's on it?" He asked frantically.

"We didn't see yet, we thought it'd be best for you to see first."

We went into the security room where all the cameras were since there was a tv with a tape player there. Quickly pushing the tape into the spot we watched as the tv sprung to life, slightly glitching before becoming more clear.

There was a familiar looking man standing in front of the camera. He waved at it as if greeting a friend.

"Maxon! How you doing?" He asked as if we were old time friends.

"I'm gonna be very straightforward with you right now and say that I have your little assistant. But little princess over here has been keeping a big secret from you Maxon." He spoke.

Maxon was confused about what the man was talking about but continued to listen nonetheless.

'What secret?' He thought.

"I'll let you look for yourself." The guy said and then moved to the side, making Amelia visible to the camera.


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