Chapter Twenty Seven

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America pov

The night went along with Maxon greeting and talking with other dignitaries and nobles. I stood by his side for most of the time, and to say I was bored would be an understatement.

To cure my extreme lack of excitement I excused myself from Maxon and went to the refreshments table to get myself a small drink.

This ball had so many different types of drinks and finger foods it was overwhelming.

I grabbed a couple of the foods for my plate and stood near the sidelines as I watched everyone mingle and associate with each other.

"Its boring isn't it?" An unfamiliar voice said.

My head turned to the person now standing on my right. He had dirty brown hair and brown eyes, he wasn't very tall but I only reached up to his chin so I couldn't really say much.

I turned my head back to the floor and nodded.

"Extremely." I mumbled eating another bite of my food. He turned towards me and smiled.

"The names Chris, nice to meet ya." He stuck out his hand for me to shake.

I placed my plate on my other hand and grasped his to shake.

"Amelia." I said simply.

"Pretty name for a pretty lady." He smirked then looked back at the crowd.
Thankfully he didn't see my small smile. I haven't talked to many people outside of when I'm working.

"So what are doing here?" He asked.

"I came as a plus one for my boss. He's busy with talking to others right now and I was hungry and bored so I came to find some food and here I am now. What about you" I said looking up at him.

"I'm supposed to be doing what your boss is doing but it gets annoying after a while so I decided to ditch the people and come to the side for a break." He said.

We continued to talk about random things and I enjoyed it quite a lot. Chris was quite the jokester and he made this boring evening so much less boring.

Little did I know, someone was watching me from afar.

Maxon pov

Talking with all these people gets tiring and quite boring after a while. Everyone was trying to introduce me to their daughters and it got annoying telling them that I'm not interested every time.

I decided to take a break and tried to look for Amelia as I walked to the sidelines. I couldn't seem to find her anywhere after she left me some time ago.

After looking for a little longer I found her on the opposite side on the hall. She was talking to someone I didn't recognize.

My brows furrowed as I saw her laugh hard at something the boy beside her said, making him crack a smile as well.

I was glad she wasn't alone but did it have to be a guy? I sighed and started to make my way over to them.

"You really did that?!" I heard Amelia exclaim as I walked closer to them.

"Yes and then the cat not only peed on my new white shirt, it scratched my face and ran away! This is exactly why I'm a dog person." He said while pouting.

Amelia laughed even harder to the point where she was clutching her sides and bending down.

"Amelia! There you are I've been looking for you everywhere" I exclaimed as I stood in front of her.

"Oh Maxon! Sorry I was talking to Chris over here and we lost track of time." She said and I looked over to him.

He looked back and I swear he gave me a glare before smiling.

"You must be the boss that Lia over here had been talking about. I'm Chris nice to meet you," he said.

Since when had they established nicknames?

"Maxon, pleasure to meet you too." I said turning to Amelia. But before I could say anything the lights dimmed and everyone gathered into a circle with their partners.

"They're going to start dancing! Come on Lia let's dance together!" Chris said before pulling Amelia away into the crowd with her just laughing and not protesting in the slightest.

I was left dumbfounded as I stood there and watched as they danced. My mood had instantly been tarnished and I just stood there.

Three dances later they decided to come back to the sidelines and take a break.

"Amelia can I please talk to you? In private?" I emphasized the private in order her her to get the hint. Thankfully she did.

"I'll be right back Chris." She said and followed me as I walked out of the hall and into the secluded lobby.

Third person pov

The duo stood in a empty hall and faced each other.

"What was that Amelia?" Maxon exclaimed.

"What was what?" America asked, genuinely confused.

"Why are you and Chris acting like best buds all of the sudden, you just met him!" Maxon yelled, clearly angry.

"We have a lot in common, so we got along really easily. What's so wrong with that?" She questioned.

"You were supposed to be by my side for the night. I didn't bring you here so you could talk to other men!" He raised his voice.

"Then what did you want me to do? Stay beside you while you talk to others about things that are none of my concern and watch as girls throw themselves onto you? Psh yeah right. And I may be apart of the selection. But that doesn't mean I can't make friends with males. Also you brought me here cause I'm your assistant. You just didn't want to bring anyone else because you knew they'd be just like the little prissy girls over here!" America yelled, frustrated with Maxons behavior.

"Fine then if your so keen on making friends with all the guys here, then I'll just kick you out of the selection! Then you can be friends with all the guys you want!!!" Maxon yelled and stomped away.

America couldn't register what he just said. Hes going to kick her out of the selection??? She stood there in the empty corridor as and watched Maxons back grow smaller as he went back into the main hall.

The tears stung her eyes and threatened to fall. She was so confused. Why was Maxon acting all jealous all of the sudden? Is he really going to kick her out?

All these thoughts clouded her mind as she-


A shot was fired and it was the last thing she remembered before feeling an excruciating pain in her arm and a cloth covering her mouth pulling her into the darkness.


Yooo wassup guyss. I updated in less than a month are you proud :D?

Poor America :"(. I hope yall enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment to show me some support and thank you reading :). I dont have kuch to say so I luv u guyssss <333



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