Chapter Nineteen

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Maxon's POV

I was stunned at what I saw. I couldn't think straight. My mind was swirling with questions. Was it father who did this? Did Amelia do something bad? Is she dead? I was brought back to reality and quickly checked her pulse. I sighed in relief when I felt the beating. I almost slapped myself, how could I be relieved when she is practically bleeding to death.

   I quickly rushed into the washroom and pulled out the first aid kit. I took out the scissors and carefully cut off her dress and pulled it off up to her waist. Luckily, the blood was still mostly wet otherwise it'd be difficult to remove the cloth.

I instantly got to work, cleaning the wounds with antibacterial medicine. As I started to wrap her back in bandages. I blushed as I did my best not to look at her chest.

Soon enough, I was finished and covered her with a blanket then I sat on a chair, waiting for her to wake up.

I stared at her and noticed something in her hair. I squinted and realized that it was red hair.

'Why does she have red hair?'

I heard a groan and I up to see Amelia moving. Her brown eyes opened and looked around. She sat up, groaning and wobbling as she then tried to stand. I cleared my throat and stood up, making my way towards her.

When her eyes fell on me, they widened as big a saucers. She frantically looked around then looked at me again before putting her hand on my shoulder and pressing down. I didn't have much time to think about what just happened as black spots started to blur my vision and I fell.

America pov

I started to open my eyes as I woke up but shut them instantly when seeing the bright room. I sat up groaning from the intense pain in my back. I looked around to see I was in my room. I looked down and noticed my dress was cut and my wounds were bandaged up. I assumed either Mari or Alya did it.

I slowly moved to get up and change out of my bloody and cut up clothing. I used the bed frame to support me as I slowly wobbled to the washroom.


I looked to see where the noise came from only to see Maxon making his way towards me. 'Shoot shoot shoot'. I panicked as I tried to look for something to knock him out with but wasn't able to find anything. Then an idea popped into my head. I looked at Maxon and put a hand on his shoulder and gave him an apologetic face before pressing on a pressure point causing him to fall.

I quickly went to the bathroom and threw the dress away and put on a navy dress with a shawl despite the warmer weather. I made sure to fix my wig and conceal the red hair that was showing. 'I hope he didn't see the red hair' as I carefully made my way back into the bedroom. Maxon was still on the floor so I quickly fixed the bedsheets and pushed back the blanket.

I struggled to put him on the bed because of the wounds on my back. Thankfully, all the boxes and all the heavy lifting I had to do up and down the stairs gave me some muscle in my arms and legs, which was the only reason I managed to get him on the bed. I took off his shoes and put the blanket over him.

I quickly smacked him on his head with a hardcover book a few times to make my story of how he got here more believable. I think I hit him a tad bit too much cause a bump had formed.


He started to stir around and soon enough he opened his eyes. Instantly his hand went to his head.

"Oww, what happened? Where am I?" He asked looking around.

"You're in my room. Thank goodness you're awake, you hit your head so hard that you passed out." I feigned relief, mustering my most believable face.

"I fell? Where, when, and how?" He asked still confused.

"I was making my way back to my office from my room. You were walking up the stairs and were about to greet me when you lost your footing and hit your head on the edge of the stair. The medical wing was too far so I bought you to my room." I lied through my teeth, praying he would believe it.

"Oh I see, thank you for doing what you did. I apologize for my clumsiness. I have to get going, I'll see you later." He said getting up and putting on his shoes.

"No worries, make sure you put ice on that bump"  I smiled, glad he bought the excuse. I walked him to the door and we bid our goodbyes.

I sighed and fell onto my bed. Feeling tired all of a sudden. I hope Maxon bought the excuse cause if he didn't, boy will I be in trouble.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was only four o'clock. I got up and went to my office to finish up some papers.

Maxon's pov

I walked away trying to ignore the pain in my head. I thought about how Amelia helped me out and felt my neck heat up in embarrassment. 'Good job Maxon, you just made a fool of yourself in front of Amelia.

But what confused me the most was, why don't I remember it? I don't remember going up the stairs. I walked into my office and sat down. Do I have a concussion? I called a maid to fetch me some ice as I tried to remember what happened.

The maid walked in and gave me the ice, curtsied and began to walk away. I caught a glimpse of her hair and noticed it was red. That's when it all hit me.

I didn't fall, Amelia did that to me. She has cuts on her back and I cleaned them up. And she had red hair under the brown. Does that mean she's America? It can't be, can it? No, but I saw America dead. I can't be her. Then who is it?

If I thought any farther than I may get a headache. I will have to investigate tomorrow. Let's see who you really are Amelia.

Hey guysssss!
Sooo new chapter what did you think? I know some of you may be upset but the book is coming to an end soon so don't worry. My bad for not updating for so long school culminating had started I got a lot to do. And its almost eid! Thanks to everyone who didn't leave yet and thank you all very much for the support. Remember to vote, share, comment and whatever else there is to do. 

Love you guys.<333




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