Lord Of The Flies Tribal Dance

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(Tribal dance scene from book)

Painted faces

Red, green, white

Dark eyes glinting, mouths open

Scared, take him not me

Dancing in a circle

Shouting, screaming, stomping

Pig skull on a sharpened stick

Louder, faster, something to hunt


In hands

At the ready

At heads

In a boy


In hair

On faces

On hands

The ground

Who was it

Can’t see, circle too tight

Push the prey, this way and that

Kick him

Smash him

Can’t see him

Just blood

Screaming, writhing, choking

Mouth full of blood

They killed him

Eyes open, but grey

He’s still

They laugh

When they killed the pig

But that was an animal

He was a boy

And he’s dead

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