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(Kismet - destined for fate)


He knows it and he feels it come.

A struggle, a kick and a yell

His soul awaits it's silent arrival

Ready for heaven or hell

His eyes close for a moment

But open when he hears a sound

He feels the sensation of falling

Just before he hits the ground

His crumpled soul now feels the cold

He struggles to find out why

In some frozen frosted plain,

Is where his body lies

It's snow, he feels it on his back

As cold as cold can be

He tries to rise, yet his body's numb

And he can hardly see

On a snowy plain, that's where he is

The division between heaven and hell

But on which side, his soul will rest,

Not a single being can tell

He knows it now, just where he is

And feels both shock and fear

As he thinks of who'll retrieve his soul

His wrong doings all too clear

He struggles to rise to no prevail

His eyes, they meet a shape

Coming closer with every step

Black on white, The Devil's cape

The choice is made the Dark one wins

And comes for his prize to be,

Hell is where this soul will rest,

For all eternity

The dark one stands above his soul

And reaches out a hand

The limb is bony Milky white

And rough as gravelled sand

He looks for eyes among dark robes

But none are to be found

The dark one sees his gaze and laughs

A grating, chilling sound

The Dark one helps him stand up straight

But neither gazes meet

Then walks him to a blackened carriage

And shows him to his seat

The Dark one laughs his gritty laugh

As discomfort fills the space

He turns to face the now shaking soul

With a bottomless pit for a face

The soul tries to free himself

He struggles and lets out a cry

The Dark one will never let him go,

That’s what it die

A one way trip, the end of the line

On his way to the Dark one's lair

For all the things he'd ever done

T'was his life's deeds, that send him there

So all he had done, had been watched and heard

And tallied down, each mark

And when the time had come around,

Who came? T'was the one from the dark

And so death had come to seek him out,

As it will come for you,

And all you've done will be adding up,

So be CAREFUL, what you do...

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