Things Forgotten

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All things are forgotten

Like papers yellowed with age

Torn from the book and lost some where

All erased from life’s crinkled page

All things to you are forgotten

Like the day our lives began

Lost in the depths of our unconsciousness

Never unearthed by human hand

Memories hidden at the back of your mind

Like a persistent nagging itch

Trying to remember them can be                           

An ever presenting glitch

Hidden away at the back of your mind

And tugging at the edges

Impossible to reach in their deepening depth

Are your thoughts hidden under ledges

A washing line, the string of thinking

Is hanging out to dry

As the wind blows the dampness off

Away the thoughts will fly

Dragonflys on the pool of your mind

Those thoughts are all that matter

And as a fish comes leaping up in your mind

Dragonfly thoughts will scatter

A spider’s web, as your mind can be seen

Each thought a silvery thread

And in the centre, a black glossy spider

Eats oll that which is stored in your head

Engulfed by a storm, all memories must be

Brought down like a ship on the rocks

Crashing in the tide of your mind

Where one starts, another stops

Triggered are old memories

Thoughts from a distant past

They’re berried as quickly as they come

In the sands of time’s hour glass

Dressed in black, the forgotten things are

The mourners at your grave

Haunting you for forgetting them

As you enter the ground’s earthly cave

All things are discarded at some point in time

They’re lost to times hand one day

All shall be forgotten at length,

Forgetfulness will have it’s way

So hold on to your memories and thoughts

Or soon they will fly away

Only then if a reminder shows

Will you’re thought live another day…

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