Chapter 10 - What just happened?

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"Yah! Be friends with me," Chanyeol ordered Sandara seriously while staring at Sandara,

Sandara couldn't say anything and stared at Chanyeol's eyes,
Sandara started to blush because of the embarrassment,

Sehun and Luhan jaw dropped because of what Chanyeol did.

Chanyeol just stood there while looking at Sandara,

Sandara quickly ate the bread that she is holding like a cute hamster AS FAST AS SHE CAN and suddenly walks away from Chanyeol while carrying her things.

Seeing Sandara leave, Chanyeol let out an innocent scratch on his head and sits in between of Sehun and Luhan,

"Yah guys! Did I get her number now? We're friends now right?" Chanyeol ask happily
"Argh! Dude that's more like scaring her..." Sehun replied in annoyance

"Seriously dude?" Luhan let out a sigh "You gotta hang out with her first before you two become friends-" Luhan suddenly stop when he imagined Sandara being hanged into something by Chanyeol, "AIGOO! Forget what I said!" Luhan added

"Easiest way to get her number is to take her cellphone~" Luhan suddenly joked,

*Eyes sparkling* Chanyeol nodded diligently while listening to what Luhan is saying,
"You're not really that bright huh?" Sehun said to Chanyeol with a very lazy tone,


The three of them headed to their respected rooms,

"Argh! Classes again!" Sehun complained
"But after this, It'll be a short while until the 'GO HOME SUBJECT'..." Luhan replied to Sehun's complain

The two noticed that Chanyeol is missing,

"Hey where is Chanyeol?" Luhan asked
"Huh? Beats me. Maybe He's thinking about his mistake, 'BE MY FRIEND' thingy" Sehun said with a lazy tone and entered the room. Luhan followed Sehun without thinking of Chanyeol.



"BOOOOYAAH! YEEEHEEEY!!! 'GO HOME SUBJECT' IS NOW STARTING!!!!" Sehun cheered energetically
While Sehun is having his victorious cry. Chanyeol whose suddenly appeared missing is now running fast towards Sehun and Luhan

"YAH GUYS!!!" Bangs door really hard "Luhan! I got it!" Chanyeol said while recovering his breath.

"What? Watcha got?" Luhan asked with a confused look.
Chanyeol suddenly pulled out something in his pocket.

*Pulls Out SANDARA's phone*
"DYARAN!" Chanyeol cheered while holding Sandara's phone.

"OH SHOOT DUDE WHERE'D YOU GET THAT?" Luhan panicked, "DUDE YOU'LL BE PUNISHED FOR GETTING THAT DUDE! BRING IT BACK!" Luhan panicked, concerned about Chanyeol.

"Aish! I've gone through all this now... COME ON LET'S GET THE NUMBER!" Chanyeol said happily while pointing at Sandara's phone.

"*Easiest way to get her number is to take her cellphone~*" Sehun imitates Luhan's voice like earlier just to mock him.

*Smacked Sehun in the head* "Yah! It was just a joke! But this dude took it seriously!" Luhan explained.
"Ok ok! Jeez That hurt.." Sehun complained while rubbing his head.

"Aish! Hurry and give Sandara's cellphone to me and we'll get her number" Luhan said while reaching out through the phone

Luhan gave the number to Chanyeol and gave back the phone to him,
"Now return it! Before she finds out!" Luhan ordered while pointing at the door.
*Nodded* Chanyeol walked out of the class room.


At Sandara's P.E. Class

Even though its P.E. Class, Sandara is just there reading her books and stuff,

"Have you heard? The hoodlum Chanyeol talked to miss no good Sandara" Students are talking on and on again... But still, Sandara paid no attention to them and kept on reading...


P.E. Class has ended then
Sandara took her bag and went to the changing room to change on her uniform.

At The School Fields:

"Aish! The bag where is it?!" Chanyeol asked himself nervously while searching for Sandara's bag.
Chanyeol can't find the bag because Sandara has it. "How can I return this phone now?" Chanyeol asked himself again. "AIGOO! I give up! I'm gonna leave it here!" Chanyeol walked away from the phone

At The Changing Room:

Sandara changed into her uniform and decided to call her brother.... She kept on searching her phone in her bag but it's not there...

"YAH! My phone?!" Sandara screamed desperately.... Sandara keeps on searching and searching...


At The School Fields:

Sandara took her bag and searched at the School Fields... "I can't lose my phone now!" Sandara said nervously and was about to cry when suddenly,

A cute ringtone were heard by Sandara near the tree.

*Picks up phone*
"Yobseo?" Sandara answered with a relieved voice.

"Yobseo? Ahmmm... Hello?" Chanyeol replied shyly while watching Sandara from a far distance in order for Sandara not to see him.

*Sat at the bench near her*"Ahehe. Hello? Are you the one who found my phone?" Sandara asked Chanyeol
"Ahhm ahhhh... maybe??" Chanyeol replied unsurely

Sandara is kinda happy and grateful for the guy on the phone... Even though they are strangers to each other
"Can I ask for the name of the one who found my phone?" Sandara asked once again and smiled brightly...

*Stares* "Argh! Did she just smile?" Chanyeol think nervously*Heart Beats Faster*

*Clears throat* "My Name.... just call me Chany-" Chanyeol suddenly stop when he realized that Sandara is scared of Chanyeol because of his first impression...

"Hmmmmmmmmm? Chan-what?" Sandara asked excitedly

"Ahhmmm! What to do?!" Chanyeol thinked nervously.
"Just call me Chan-Chan"  Chanyeol said Chan-Chan out of the blue without thinking of what he said.

"Chan-Chan? Haha! What a cute name..." Sandara teased Chan-Chan a little "Woops! Chan-Chan Its time for me to go home... I hope we can talk again BYIEEEE!" Sandara hanged up and stood from the bench and walk towards the school gate...


At Sandara's Apartment:

Sandara arrived at her apartment.... Her apartment is full of cute cats living with her



"Yobseo? Chan-Chan?" Sandara answered happily and jumped into her bed.
"Yah! I dunno what do I call you! It's kinda unfair..." Chanyeol complained with a cute voice

"Ahmm... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... How about??? Ra-Ra?? From Sandara. I just took the 'ra' part" Sandara suggested with a cute voice... "So watcha think?" Sandara asked cutely

"Sure sounds Cute! Ra-Ra!.... RAWR!" Chanyeol teased a little...
"Yah how come I keep on hearing cats there? MEOW MEOW they said" Chanyeol asked while imitating the cats

"Oh these cats. I just adopted them and feel bad for them sleeping in the streets so I took them in" Sandara explained while patting the head of one of her cats.

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