•~°Chapter 26°~•

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Yoongi poked the sleeping taller's cheek. He began to pout when the taller didn't wake up.

The shorter whined.

All Yoongi could hear was a baffled groan from the taller as he rolled over, his face now resting on the pillow.

Yoongi felt sad. He didn't get the attention that he needs from the sleeping figure infront of him. But after seconds of Yoongi continuesly poking Taehyung's cheek while saying his name passed, Taehyung finally woke up.

"Yes Yoongi...?"
He muffled.

"I need to prepare breakfast."
Yoongi said. Quickly earning a groan from the younger.

"C'mon Taehyung, or else I won't feed anything to Yeontan."

This caused Taehyung to lazily get out from bed and piggy backed Yoongi to the living room. He expected Yoongi to give hid Yeontan treats, but what he didn't expect was for the boys to be in the living room.

"W-wait what are you g-guys doing h-here...?"
Taehyung asked them.

"Didn't I call you? I said that we're coming back home tomorrow morning, which is today."
Jin looked at Taehyung with a questioned look. Sitting on a couch beside Namjoon.

Taehyung whispered.

Maybe I forgot

Taehyung just shrugged it off as he went to the kitchen, but soon stopped in his tracks when he saw breakfast on the table.

"Oh. Jin hyung made breakfast, guess I have to carry babe to the room again..."
Taehyung talked to himself.

Little did he know, that everyone (except Yoongi) in the room heard him.

As soon as Taehyung disappears upstairs with Yoongi, the 5 boys start to brain storm.

"Holy shit did you guys hear that?"
Namjoon asked.

"He called Yoongi babes!"
Jin squealed in delight, clapping his hands while jumping up and down on the couch.

"They're totally dating. I mean like, why wouldn't they???"
J-Hope chuckled at his own response.

"Wait... guys..."
Jungkook said, looking sternly at the faces that were looking back at him while placing his hand on Jimin's thigh, abruptly squeezing it, causing Jimin to quietly yelp.

"Did they do it...?"
Jungkook continued. Jimin looks at him and at the other's faces, switching again and again.

"I hope they did. If they didn't, then our efforts of leaving them here were wasted."
Jimin sighed. He looked down and plopped his back on the couch's backrest.

The two boys start to debate on wether Yoongi and Taehyung did it or not.

Meanwhile with Taehyung and Yoongi

"Tae... can you massage my back...?"
Yoongi asked the mentioned boy.

Taehyung was confused at first. But he didn't want to question the hyung who pleaded with his puppy dog eyes.

"Yey! Thanks Tae!"
Yoongi then hands Taehyung a bottle of ointment for the shoulders. As he sits infront of Taehyung, legs crossed, and his back facing the taller. Making the bedsheets folds intact with another.

The taller then places the ointment on his hands, and started to rub on the shoulders. Soon after, he starts to motion his fingers while pressing against the stiff shoulders of Yoongi.

Yoongi knew that Taehyung's amazing at giving massages, bit he didn't expect that Taehyung would be THIS amazing.

Due to Taehyung's skill, Yoongi couldn't help but groan in pleasure. Sometimes he moaned. This didn't do anything to Taehyung though, he knew that the person would do that when HE was the one giving the massages, so it didn't really bother him that much.

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