•~°Chapter 31°~•

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As planned, Taehyung woke up. He checked the time.


I have atleast 20 minutes to prepare

He swiftly got out of Yoongi's embrace and the covers. Preparing himself and the letter.

Also hitting his hand on a wall in the process

And now he's outside the apartment. 5 minutes to spare.

He runs as fast as he could whilst checking the time every 10 secons or do. Running for what seemed like eternity, until he finally reached his destination.

Taehyung pushes the doors open, and scanned the whole dining room until be found a particular arm waving at him. He rushes towards the group and sat down on the table.

"Do you find it comfortable that you'll be followed around on your date?"
Namjoon asked. Taehyung just shook his head, but after a while he did a small nod.

"Okay. Scratch the whole following part. We're just here to tell you good luck."
And with that, the group of boys chatted.


Min Yoongi's POV

I woke up to see no one beside me. But just shrugged it off for some reason.

I start to do my daily routine.


When I open the fridge to get some snacks, I notice a note sticking on its door. I take it and started to scan the words.

And it went like this

Hi babe! I need to go buy groceries for us since we're running out of stock. Can you do me a favor? Yes or yes? Anyways Here is a list of things for you to do while I'm gone. Do them in order okay?

6. Take a nice warm bath

2. Go to the spa called JinsieSpa. I reserved an apointment for you ( oh and they have a special room for pets so you can bring Holly and Yeontan )

3. Adopt a cat using my money

4. Go shopping

5. Go home and wait for me to come back

6. Finnish this before 12:00

7. Always know that I love you babe ❤

Yoongi chuckled and blushed as he continued reading the letter, up to the very end

Oh and also remember that room that we didn't use because it was small? Well, I made it into the cat's room.

- TaeTae💜

Oh and also here's the card. It has ***. Don't worry that's just my balance.

Yoongi widened his eyes and gasped at how huge Taehyung's balance is. He then takes a look and scoffs/smirks.

Advantages of being a k-idol

Yoongi then takes the red pen that's been taped to the paper and placed a check

1. Take a nice warm bath ✔

He brings the pen, paper, and card upstairs to his room, in where he eventually starts to change into a oversized shirt ( which belongs to Taehyung ) and ripped jeans , organizing everything in his messenger bag before grabbing a black mask and going downstairs to take the leashes of Yeontan and Holly.

Yoongi yelled and whistled, signalling the two dogs that came running towards him and sat down as he began to wrap a leash around their necks.

He then slid on his sneakers and swung open the door. Waiting for the dogs to go outside before closing the door whilst putting his mask on.

"Come on Holltan! Let's go to the spa!"
Yoongi tightened his grip on the two leashes and the dogs catched up their pace. The three now walking towards the spa with the help of Taehyung's directions that were written on the note.


Once he entered the spa, the bell rang, indicating that another customer has made their way inside. Yoongi then walks over to the receptionist who smiled at him and said.

"Hello, how can I help you today?"
Tzuyu asked. Smiling at her friend whom she hasn't seen for a long time.

"Tzuyu! It's been so long! How have you been?"
Yoongi held her hands which held his back. Silently squealing in delight.

"I know right! I've been doing great! How bout you?"
She asked. Excitement filled upon her eyes.

Yoongi looked down, trying to sound as normal as he could.

"S-so... y-you know h-how I h-had this huge c-crush on this g-guy called T-Taehyung right?"
Yoongi slightly tilted his head up, looking at the girl who cooed.

"Yes? What about him??? Any news???"
She jumped up and down, anticipating.

Yoongi blushed even more resulting to him covering his face.

Tzuyu gasped in shock. She quickly covered her mouth whilst doing so.

"You're dating???"
She leaned into him and whisper-yelled. Recieving a nod from Yoongi as she stood up straight. Squealing from excitement.

"So THAT'S why he made an appointment for you, even the dogs!"
She looked down at the two small and fluffy balls of fur, barking cutely. She could die in a instant by just looking at them, but she held her inner fangirl so others wouldn't stare at her.

She went infront of the reception and sat on her feet as she looked at the dogs who sniffed her.

"If you want, I can take them to the room while you're in your appointment?"
She asked, petting the two dogs who seem to take a liking to her. Recieving a sure from Yoongi as he bent down and released the leashes. The dogs running to Tzuyu as she kept them in her arms.

"Your room is right here Mr. Min."
She stood up and professionally walked towards a private spa room while carrying two dogs in her arms. Passing through different sections that seperated the boys and girls.

Yoongi said a quiet thank you but loud enough for Tzuyu to hear and bow her head. Going to the room for the pets.

Yoongi then gets handed a bathrobe before he enters the Jacuzzi. Luckily there were no people. So he went to the room in where you stack your clothes and did just that, he dashes towards the bathtub and slowly dips himself inside of the liquid.

The feeling of steamy water surrounds his goosebumped skin, relaxing every tension in his muscle. Freeing him from all his worries as soon as he slowly slid down. The water rising up to his nose bridge. Closing his eyes.

He felt like he could sleep for eternity. But he couldn't due to the fact that his time was limited. So he spent that scheduled time feeling like he became a ice cube that melted on the hot water, the look of fog rising above it.


After about 1 hour or so, he woke up. Yes. He slept. Only before the time.

And when the thing that he dread the most, came, he groaned as he pushed himself upward. Feeling the cold yet steamy air brush through his skin as he went to the room where his clothes are. Sliding on his boxers and bathrobe before going to the massage room.

Lil meow meow is being massaged right now please don't fucking disturb him

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