Chapter 1

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"Audi would you please stop fussing about being uncomfortable and stop fidgeting  back there!" My mom demanded.

"Mom I'm hungry!" I complained further.

"Audi do you see any food stops nearby?" Mom asked.

"Nop, I see trees only." I replied as l glanced out the window.

"Grow up Audi. Can't you see you're 16? I don't need any problems from you. You're too old to use a flipflop on." Mom said tightly.

"Fine." I sighed.
Sometimes, I love to fuss a lot to my mom just to get on her nerves.

But really, this was boring and I was beginning to get impatient. It's been 4 days since we left New York and we haven't reached our destination, California.
I'm no fan of car rides. I guess I never will especially when they are long ones.
If only my phone battery hadn't died, I might not have been fussing too much but I forgot my charger back in New York.

New York! The place I was born and had never dreamt of leaving until my parents divorced.
My dad was secretly cheating on my mom, when she found out they were constantly fighting on the other hand my dad started drinking and to make matters worse, he raped my mom.

During those days, I was so depressed. I hoped they'd get back to their old selves that had no fighting, cheating and drinking but that never happened. I wished I could get away from it all but it was impossible!

Eventually, they divorced and I decided to go with my mom since my dad was not fit to take care of me, besides I didn't like the way he treated mom. If I stayed with him, what if he started abusing me? I'm glad that raucous period is over.

I'm going to start afresh with my mom, go to a new school, make new friends and live my life to the fullest. I know that back in New York I never really had friends. I only had one friend whom I was hurt to leave but she broke us off before I left. I'm really hoping to make friends in California.

After few hours, we arrived in California. We reached our new home. It was not that big, I mean it was big but not much of a mansion. It also big for two people only.

Mom pulled up in the drive way. I hopped out of the car and fresh cool air hit my nostrils.
This air is nothing like New York.


Mom received a phone call. While she was on the phone, she handed me the house keys.
I skipped to the front door and eagerly unlocked it.

I pushed the door open and ran inside. It had mom's taste on the furniture design: warm colours, soft rags, glass vessels and many cushions on the couch.
It was neat and comfy. Not too luxurious.

I sensed presence behind me and I quickly turned to see mom smiling at me.
" Like it?" She asked.
"Yeah. It's pretty comfy and has your  taste. It also smells nice." I replied checking out the Picasso painting on the wall behind her.

"Your room is on the first door to your left upstairs." Mom told me.

I slipped upstairs to my room and I liked it.The walls were aqua.There was a queen bed with many pillows and fluffy cushions,  a TV hanging on the wall, three beanbags, a study desk in the corner with a shelf of books too, a walk in closet and a personal bathroom èn suite.

I can't say but with all these pictures of me hanging on the wall, I could never ask for much more.

Later, I went downstairs to the kitchen and met mom who was cooking.
"What are you cooking?" I chimed.
"Spaghetti and meatballs." She  smiled at me.
"Sounds delicious."

"You know you love my cooking."
Mom joked.
"You know I can cook too. I make way better pancakes than you." I teased
"You don't even know how to cook." She laughed.

I put my hand over my chest and dramatically said," You mean me mademoiselle? I am the best cook in the world. I even cooked for George Washington. "

Mom laughed, " what are you saying. You weren't even born yet."

"Yeah right. You win." I admit it, I love to have fun with my mom a lot.
"So when am l gonna go to school?" I asked

"Since when were you concerned about going to school?" Mom pretended to be shocked.
"I'm the least concerned about school. But I'm a genius even though I don't put much effort." I wiggled my brows.

"In two days!"
The words hit me like a pinch on my ass.
"What? Two days? You must be kidding me." I said still digesting the thought that I'm starting school on Monday.

"No I'm dead serious."
I just wanted to rip my hair out of my head.

Nice, just freaking awesome. Not!

Mom and l had dinner and afterwards I took a refreshing bath. I jumped into my pyjamas and collapsed on my bed.

So comfy.

I tossed and turned but I could not sleep.
I grabbed the remote and decided to watch Freaky Friday.
I was having fun until I started feeling drowsy and fell asleep.

"Audi wake up you lazy girl!" And splash!
I jolted out of my beauty sleep.

I was soaking wet and mom was towering over me holding an empty jug of water and a drying towel on the other hand.

"Way to wake somebody  up when they are in dreamland." I muttered.
"Morning to you too honey." She kissed my forehead and tossed the drying towel in my face.

"Why did you wake me up?" I asked, " for Pete's sake it's Saturday. "

"I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm going to work in 15minutes so I wanted to inform you of my absence home today." She answered

"You could've just said it in short. No need to say it in essay form." I said sarcastically.

"Don't get lippy with me young miss." She scrunched her brows.
"Whatever, just go to work."

"No hug for me?"
"Uh I'm wet." I pointed at my wet body.

Mom kissed my forehead and left.
"Bring me nutella when you come from work!" I yelled.
"Okay." Mom yelled back and I heard the front door shut.

A day alone. Just great!

I spent my day doing nothing but watching TV and stuffing myself with food in particular. Call me a couch potato!

In the evening mom came from work. She brought me nutella and pepperoni pizza since she said she didn't want to cook.

Next day was the same. I did nothing interesting in particular. And tomorrow was the day that I was starting school right in the middle of the term.

Argh! School tomorrow!


This is the end of chapter one.
I hope you like it. Please vote and comment, I sweat writing this chapter because I had to think.
Oh boy, how much I hate thinking but I put my best effort to make a good impression on the first chapter.
Luv u.
Always keep calm and stay iconic like a star.
Yours truly

Audrey MacKennWhere stories live. Discover now