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The door swung open and a man 6,3 ft tall entered the house.
His wife who was sitting on the couch stood up, walked straight to him and smacked him across the face.

"Michael, I will not let you keep on disrespect me like this! Where are you coming from at this time of the night?" She yelled.
"Sarah calm down. I was just hanging out with friends." Michael said trying to keep his cool.

"Oh so you go out with friends and come home late,eh?" She hissed.
"Do you have a problem with that!?" He snapped.

Sarah's eyes went wide with surprise. Never in her life had she imagined Michael would snap at her. He'd always been that loving husband she'd always dreamt of having.
"Yes I do. I do have a problem with that. Who knows you were just hanging out with friends? Maybe you were with that side chick of yours, what's her name again," Sarah put her palm on her forehead, "right, her name is Stacey I remember now."

Michael slapped her in the face.
"When will you ever stop calling Stacey my side chick?! I told you once she is nothing to me!"
That was a lie because he's been seeing the hoe  Stacey a bit and casually bedded her.

"I'm not a fool Michael!" Sarah cried cupping her red cheek with one hand.
"You disrespectful bitch-"
"Cocky motherfucker!" Sarah spat.
Michael slapped her again.

Tears flooded down her rosy cheeks that had now become an ugly shade of red. Her husband had hit her twice and on top of that he was the bad guy, the wrong one.
Michael felt guilty for what he had done.

"Sarah,I'm sorry. I should not have hit you or snapped at you. It's all my fault. I'm sorry love."
He gently touched her hand.
She flinched away from his touch.
She now saw him as a monster not her beloved husband anymore.

"Don't you ever touch me again." She gritted.
"Love, I'm sorry."
"Don't ever call me love. Don't you realise how much of a monster you are?"
Sarah cut him," Michael, since you started drinking you became more of an abuser instead of a husband. You raped me Michael-"

"Sarah I never did that. I made love to you." Michael said trying not to get angry at the fact that she did not see that he was making love to her. She saw it as rape.

"Oh please, you call that love making, huh? Michael against my will you forced me. You spanked me with your belt when I refused and yet you call that love making. Bullshit! You are utterly insane! You need to see a shrink!" Sarah blabbered carelessly.

Michael put his head in his hands. Yes what he did was very wrong." Sarah I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing-"

"I want a divorce! I'm tired of you and your crap. All I want is a divorce and that's final." Sarah said dead seriously before turning on her heels and vanish upstairs to their bedroom.

Had Michael heard correctly or not?
The words hit him like a bait in the stomach.
Does that mean she didn't love him anymore?
That she was really divorcing him?

How in the world did all take place?
His life was falling apart after all the years they'd spent together.

Whatever. I don't need her. She was a horrible wife in fact why not quicken the divorce so that I may be free and do whatever I want without a wife to hold me down.

Thoughts will always be thoughts until one realises the actual fact on reality. Divorce was on it's way.


To my fellow readers
I want to start by thanking you for choosing my book and giving it a chance. This is my very first book and l hope you'll like it.
If you enjoy reading, please vote★ and comment💬, that would just make my day.
Please do not criticize my work. I'm no professional writer or good at English either ( definitely not my mother tongue and I usually get a B).
Also do not copy my work and post it on any website. That ain't right.
Once again, thank you and enjoy.
Don't forget to keep calm and stay iconic like a star.
Yours truly


Audrey MacKennWhere stories live. Discover now