Chapter 3

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The last bell of school rang signalling it was over. Female students rushed into the locker rooms to shower and change.
Sandra and l were getting along well. She even told me she liked me already.

In the locker room while I was changing, I heard some girls whisper about my body. They said she's so thick and fine and she's gonna steal our boyfriends.
Like seriously, they're just over exaggerating.

Sandra invited me to hang out with her friends in the common room while I wait for my mom to pick me up. After changing we head for the common room.
It's so loud and noisy.

I followed Sandra to the pool table were her friends were.

"Hi guys." Sandra chimed.

"Hey Sandy." They chorused in union.
Before Sandra could say anything, one of her friends said," who's the chick?"

"Her name's Audrey MacKenn and she'll be hanging out with us while waiting for her mom." Sandra said.

"Okay that's cool." They said.
"So aren't you gonna tell her who were are?" A pretty blonde asked.
"Tell her yourself." Sandra smiled.

The blonde rolled her eyes," I'm Hayley Wilson, that brat's twin sister." Sandra's mouth dropped, " did you call me a brat, cuz last time I checked you were the brat you bumass."
Hayley just sucked her teeth and brushed it off.

"I'm Calvin." A boy with blonde hair and blue eyes smiled.
"I'm Preston." A black haired and silver eyed folk waved.

"I'm Taylor." A redhead said.
"I'm James Bond." This cute blonde boy flashed me a smile.
"Nah James Bond is much more handsome than you skinny frog." Hayley laughed.

I bit my bottom lip, holding in my laugh.
"Nice to meet you all." I smiled.
"Not all you missed out us." I turned behind me to see two boy and a girl join the group.

"What's going on here?" She asked.
"Who's she?" One of the guys asked. I only recognized one of them because he's the guy who opened my locker this morning.

"Audrey?" He said.
"You know her?" Sandra asked.
"Yeah, I opened her locker this morning when she was having difficulty." He answered.

"Audrey," Sandra spoke, "That's Levi and Camile. I guess you know Brody already."
I nodded.
"So how old are you Audrey?" Camile asked.

"16." I replied.
"Well it's nice to meet you Audrey. Welcome to our crew." Levi smiled.

"Don't get charmed by his smile. He has a girlfriend on the way." Sandra giggled.

"Don't start with me pretty girl. I can make you fall in love." Levi joked.
"Not a chance. I've already fallen in love with prince charming over there." She pointed at Preston.

Are they dating?

"Anybody wanna play pool?" Calvin asked.
"Yeah. Me." We chorused together. We all stared at each other then roared with laughter.

I played a bit until my mom showed up. I said my farewells and went to mom's car.
I hoped in and kissed her cheek.

"Someone looks happy." She chuckled.
"Yes I am. Today wasn't that bad at all." I chimed.

"Tell me about it."
I told her about all that'd taken place and she nodded indicating she was listening attentively.

She is concerned about me a lot. I guess she wants the best for me, like mothers wish for their children.

I opened the door and ran upstairs to my room. I tossed my backpack on my bed and laid flat on my stomach. It rumbled. Oh oh, someone is hungry.

I lazily walked downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed Doritos from the cupboards and returned to my room.

I munched on them, texting Sandra on my phone. She was telling me what happened after I left. I wish I was there to witness Victor being turned down by this random girl whom I don't know.

Later on I emptied my backpack and did my homework. What a good change of me doing homework on time. After homework, I played Candy Crush on my phone, killing time as mom was cooking dinner.

20 minutes before dinner, I cleaned my room and put my previous day pyjamas in the laundry basket. Afterwards I went downstairs to have dinner with mom.

After dinner, I took a long bath in the tub. I do it as a way of meditating. It's quiet and warm and smells nice. Prefect timing to meditate in the bathroom.

After an eternity of I don't know how many hours, I dried my hair and brushed it. I dressed into my pyjamas and read a novel to  fall asleep.

The sun had already risen in the sky and I was already at school in my second period with Mrs Sharkman our Science teacher.

I sat with Sandra in the back along with her mates and we weren't paying that much attention. Mrs Sharkman warned us but none of them  cared. In fact the lesson was very boring many students had their heads on their tables. Only the nerds were listening.

Suddenly, the door burst open and a tall man with a cute lass behind him came in.

"Were is Victor Vincent!?!?" The man yelled. People started whispering among themselves.

"Dammit, Victor did it again." Hayley sucked her teeth.
"Did what?" I asked.
"See that girl?" Sandra pointed at the cute lass," she's a 10th grader and Victor has, you know... "
"Ohhh." I got what she meant. Victor fucked the girl. Eish, that wicked boy.

Damn him a million times!

The lunchtime bell rang and students rushed to the cafeteria. Sandra and l strolled there, talking non stop about Disney land.

I was actually telling her that I'd been there twice and that if possible during Christmas break, I might go.

She begged me to take her with me. Fine by me.

"Hey everyone!" Sandra and l greeted her mates. Today I was sitting with them not with Victor.

"Hey." They chanted.

"Sit next to Hay." Sandra told me.
I sat next to Hayley and she smiled at me.
I smiled back.

Food was already there, so Sandra and I ate and joined the conversation that her mates were talking about.

If food for me was there also, did they now consider me as a friend?
As part of their crew?  I asked myself.

Do you think Sandra and Preston are dating?

Do you like Victor or not?

Do you think Audrey is now part of Sandra's friends?

Find out in chapter 4.
I hope you liked this chapter.
My brains were very stressed with thinking about what to write in this chapter.
Pliz vote and comment.
Don't forget to keep calm and stay iconic like a star.
Yours truly

Audrey MacKennWhere stories live. Discover now