Chapter 4

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A basketball bounced hard off the basketball court and I heard loud heavy sighs from behind me. They came from a group of eight girls who'd come here to watch the boys practise basketball.

I was standing with Taylor, watching them.

"Why does Kerensky Parker High have such handsome basketball hottie's!" I said loudly.

Taylor began to laugh.

"What! It's not my fault that these boys are hot as hell. I could just ask one out right now." I literally joked.
I'd never do that. NEVER!

"You see that one with the orange-reddish hair?" She pointed. I nodded.
"His name is Curtis. He was once one of our friends until he started hanging out with Trevor's group."

"I pity him. How could he leave some good friends for some group. He's insane. And cute at the same time." I chuckled.

Taylor and I continued our small talk about them cute boys.

Brody and Levi were in the court practising. Taylor, Preston, Sandra and l watched.

Calvin was off with James for football practice, Hayley and Camile at cheer leading practice.

Preston and Sandra were holding hands doing nothing in particular but watch Brody play and teases each other. Tots adorbs.

I turned to the dark brown haired guy, currently striking down the court. His body moved gracefully in an energetic way.

Wow, that grey shirt really brings out the colour of his eyes... He has the prettiest eyes ever.

"Hello! Earth to Audrey!" Taylor waved her hand in front of my face. I guess I zoned out for a long time.

"What, what happened?" I said with a cough.
"You were drooling." Taylor muffled a giggle.

"Not again!" I groaned.

"Does it usually happen?" Taylor asked.
"Not really." I shook my head.
"You are better. Sandra can zone out for like more than five minutes. I'm telling you, when she comes back to reality she's like' what happened? Did I do anything stupid?'" Taylor explained.

"Audi!" I heard a familiar voice yell.
That's my mom!

I turned around to see her looking at me. I gotta go.
"Psst, hey Tay, I gotta go now. My mom's here."

"Bye. I'll see you tomorrow." She hugged me. I hugged her back.

"Sandra, Preston I'm going home now." I yelled to them.
"Bye!" They waved.
I waved back heading to mom's car.

I hoped in and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hey mom."

"Hey darling, how are you?" She lightly stepped on the accelerator, backing away from the parking lot.

"I'm fine." I chimed.
The rest of the drive to Pizza hut was silent. Only the music from the radio was playing.

We ate our dinner there since mom said she didn't feel like cooking. Later, we went home.

I'm lying flat on my bed. I'm just resting before I study for my short test tomorrow. I want to keep my grades good so I guess a bit studying will do me good.

I woke up feeling lazy as ever. Wait no! Did I really fall asleep?
Of course I did. And guess what?

It's now 01:34 am.

My tummy grumbles. I'm so hungry. I need to eat. Food is what I need right now.

I skipped to the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal. I ate quickly and after I finished, I gulped down a glass of milk.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2019 ⏰

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