Chapter 2

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Fresh and rosy red, the sun was ready to rise over the horizon. My freaking alarm clock rang piercing through the thin air, jolting me from my beauty sleep.

Yay! Today is Monday and I'm going to my new school. For reals, I don't want to go.

I trudged into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and showered. Afterwards, I wore my black high waisted skinny jeans, white high neck 'STUSSY' croptop and white Belle Fashion sneakers.
I tied my hair into a messy ponytail with my favorite scruchy and applied light makeup.

I grabbed my phone and caramel suede backpack and slipped downstairs for breakfast.
Later on mom dropped me off at school and head to work.

Someone help me, I'm freaking out inside! My subconscious screamed.

I trotted down the pavement of Kerensky Parker High. Up the stairs I went, into the school through the large entrance doors and headed straight to the office.
Believe me when l say this, it's creepy to have new eyes staring at you when you walk and lips whispering about you.

I swear I heard a group of girls whisper about my nose, saying I had a nose job. Really!!!
And the boys wolf whistled as l passed by. So embarrassing!

I collected my class schedule and locker pin code. My locker was number 678 way down the hall. I briskly walked off to my locker and tried the pin code: 1173. It didn't open. Maybe l entered the wrong pin. I tried again. It didn't budge.

"Dammit!" I mumbled.
I was getting impatient with this freaking locker.
I tugged at my ponytail, frustrated. I tried one last time and nop, it still didn't open.

"Having trouble?" A husky voice asked from behind me. I quickly turned to see a boy taller than me.
He was lean and looked muscular. He had dark brown hair and the prettiest eyes I'd ever seen.

I cleared my throat," Yes. This stupid locker won't open up no matter how many times I put the correct pin."
"May l help?" He politely offered.

I handed him the note with the pin code. He entered it, his hands moving gracefully on the buttons. He combined them and magically, it opened.

"Thanks." I said appreciatively.
"Anytime ..."
"Audrey. My name's Audrey."
"Right Audrey. Well, see you later." He said.
"Bye." I lightly waved.

He walked off and went who knows where.
I grabbed few books for the subjects I was to attend for the next three periods.

I said a small prayer and went to look for my first class, Geography.

On  my way, I bumped into someone by mistake and my books fell out of my hands. I bent down to pick them up and when I rose to my feet, I saw a cute boy standing in front of me, fixing his outfit.

I apologized to him and guess what?

"It's fine sweetheart, no need to apologize." He winked at me.
He freaking called me sweetheart! That name makes me sick. It's what my dad used to call my mom.

"I have a name and it's not sweetheart." I glared at him.
"Then what's your name?" He asked.
"And what concern is that to you?" I smirked.
"Hey no need to be rude."

"Audrey MacKenn." I said.
"It's so nice to meet a hot girl like you, Audrey. I'm Victor Vincent." He flashed me a smile.

I did not  smile back. In fact, I was checking him out. He has nothing interesting in general.

"Hey, why not smile back at me?" He said dramatically.
"Why do l have a feeling you're trying to flirt with me?" I asked seriously.
"I'm not flirting with you." He replied.

"Then please will you move out of  my way. I wanna get to class before the bell rings." I rolled my eyes.
"Fine. As you wish." He moved out of my way and I continued my journey to find my class.

I kind of got lost and the bell went off before I found my first class. Well, I asked one of the students who was in a hurry to get wherever she was going and she just brushed me off and continued going.

Finally, I found it. I took a deep breath. I could feel my heart pounding as l reached out to grip the door.
From inside I could hear sounds of laughter.

My heart was racing.
I pushed open the door and the class went silent.
In front of the class stood a  bald man whom I guess is the teacher.

"Who are you?" He asked breaking the silence. I was overcomed by a face expression of acute embarrassment. I was nervous now more than ever I just wished the ground would open up and swallow me straight away.

"I-l-l'm Audrey MacKenn." I stuttered.
"Okay that face looks new. Are you the new girl?" He asked.
I nodded yes.

"I'm Mr Johnson and these are my students. You can take that empty seat next to Jacob Kenton." He pointed to some weird looking boy.

I walked over to Jacob Kenton, feeling almost everyone's gaze on me. I sat down and the lesson resumed.

After Geography, I went for Science then Mathematics. When the bell for lunch, students poured out of their classes and rushed to the cafeteria.

I walked to my locker and put my books inside. I turned around to see Victor standing there smiling like an idiot.

"Did you miss me?" He asked.
"No Victor!" I answered.
"Why? I thought you liked me." He whined.
"Victor I don't like you." I said flatly.

"Okay, let's go for lunch." He hung his hand over my shoulder. I brushed it off.
"Don't you ever do that." I deadpanned.
"Sorry." He mumbled.

Victor and I strolled to the cafeteria, bellowing with laughter. He kept saying funny things. When we reached the cafeteria, i sat with Victor and his friend, Morris Mayer.

He kept staring at me. I was beginning to get uncomfortable that I couldn't sit still until I said,
"Aye Morris, why are you staring at me like I'm some psyco?"

He looked away embarrassed and his cheeks were a glint of red. He was blushing.
"Morris why were you staring at her?" Victor asked.

"I-i-i wasn't staring at her, i-i-"
Victor cut him off,"Morris! "
"Sorry Victor!"
"Apologize to her now!" Victor ordered.
"I'm sorry Audrey."
"It's fine. I was just creeped out no biggy." I acknowledged.

Poor boy Morris.

After lunch I went for History, English literature and lastly gym class where i met this girl named Sandra Wilson who told me about Victor.

She said that Victor likes to bed virgins and she also said that he only get friendly to a girl when he wants to fuck her. Like seriously that boy is totally fucked up and he needs someone to teach him a lesson.

But I'm not for that. At least I'm warned so Victor is now the first on my ex-con list here in Cali.

Who do you think is the mysterious guy who opened Audrey's locker?
Find out in the next chapter.
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Don't forget to keep calm and stay iconic like a star.
Yours truly


Audrey MacKennWhere stories live. Discover now