Chapter 13

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it. 

Wayo POV

I can't believe this. How did this happen? Why did I decide to become friends with those ladies? They didn't even listen to me when I was begging them not to nominate me to be a moon, but they didn't listen. Now what am I going to do? I don't know how Pha will react. We just found each other, and we just started dating and now, I have to spend time every night practicing for this silly competition that I don't want to be a part of. Oh, this is just crazy.

I sigh as I sit down next to Shane and Ming. Shane turns towards me and asks, "Yo, what was that for? Did something bad happen today?"

Ming leans forward and puts his arms on the table. "Yo, tell us. What happened?"

I sigh and drop my shoulders in a slight pout. "Oh, I don't know why I became friends with such a group of silly ladies." I slowly look up. "Do you know what they did to me today?"

Ming and Shane just shake their heads.

"Well, those freaking idiots nominated me for the department's moon and for some crazy reason, my department agreed with them. Now, I'm the freaking Science Department's moon. I tried everything that I could think of to try and get out of it, but the seniors weren't listening. UGH!!! Now what do I do?"

Ming instantly chimes, "Great! I thought that I would have to do it all by myself, but Yo will be right there with me all the way. This is perfect. I won't be bored."

Shane chuckles, "Yo, this isn't the end of the world. I'm also certain that there were a lot of guys that were wanting that title, but you were the fortunate one that got it."

There is no way that I would call this being fortunate. Not ever. Instead, I think I would call this very unfortunate and maybe even torture. Oh, why won't the seniors let me out of it. I'm sure that they can find someone else that is willing to do it. There were plenty of other guys standing up there today, but for some reason, I was the one that everyone wanted. I need to find someway of not being so handsome. This is starting to get to be a curse, especially when they call me cute. Shoot, I'm not cute. I'm handsome, but I still don't want to be the science moon.

I shake my head. "Yes, it is. It is the end of the world to me. I don't want to get up and prance around like some peacock strutting his feathers. I don't do things like this. EVER!"

Ming bounces around the table and happily wraps his arm around my shoulders. "Yo, it will be fun. I'll be there, too. Oh, did you forget that P'Pha is the current campus moon and he will be required to be there too to help mentor the new moons and stars."

Wait! Did he just say that Pha will be there too? Oh, I forgot. He is the current campus moon and I think I remember our seniors talking about something like that, but we haven't had our first practice yet. That will be tomorrow.

I lean away from Ming and mumble, "P'Pha will be there."

Shane immediately chimes, "Yes, your P'Pha will be there at all the practices and at all the activities helping to mentor and talk with the new people. However, he will be responsible for more than just you. Oh, P'Forth will be there too."

Ming bounces around in his seat quickly adds, "Oh, that is right. I almost forgot about P'Forth. It won't be so bad with both of them there. Come on, Yo. This isn't a bad thing, but a good thing."

I still don't know about that, but with both Pha and Forth there, I'm starting to think that it won't be that bad. I don't think that I will be hating it that much then. I hesitantly say, "I don't know guys. I still really don't like having to prance around up on stage."

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