The News

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2 weeks had passed. Hook was just waiting for that call or knock, he had convinced himself that he would get sooner or later. That call or knock... never came. He would call her or go see her but he was afraid she would ignore him, or reject him. He was in love, he couldn't help it. He missed her more than he had  the 2 months. They were now connected, bonded by nature he couldnt drop that one fact out of his mind.

Emma had never made the call. As much as she wanted to, there was that one part of her that told her no. The past 2 weeks she had been living her normal life, except for adding the fact that she had been depressed lately. She honest to heart did miss him, she wanted to be with him again, but just like him... she was afraid.

Emma had gotten up one morning. She sighed and rubbed her stomach "God." She was in plaid PJ pants, with tight black halter. She made her way to the kitchen to grab some medicine, feeling nauseous. She soon then went threw everything she had ate the past day, in her head. On her way to the kitchen though she found herself running towards the bathroom.

She then began throwing up and when she finished she cleaned herself off. Emma felt worst now though. She made her way back into the kitchen questioning what was the cause of her throwing up. She got some water and leaned against the counter.

Something then lead her to think about her, when she was pregnant with Henry. She paused and put the glass down. She slowly put a hand on her stomach and whispered "No." Then turned around and slid down against the counter. She had her knees up hands on her face, wanting to cry.

Emma had sat there for about an hour thinking 'what am I going to do with a baby?' That then was the moment when the phone rang. She had hoped it was Hook. She then answered "Hello?"

"Emma?" He had heard her sigh.

"Yeah?" 'Shit Work...' She was not mentally stable to go. The first thing she had to do before anything was take the test.

"Uh- plan to show up today? If not it's ok just- is everything alright?" He had heard her tone and knew something was wrong.

"Yeah. Im fine... I just- I woke up a little sick. Think you can handle today?"She sighed not wanting to think about her possibility of being pregnant.

"Ill be fine. Just get better Em. By."

Emma hung up the phone and then sighed once again 'Not this... not this.." She paced her hand on her stomach 'I don't want this.' She then grabbed her keys and went to a store that was near the docs. She didn't mean to it was just the closest.

Hook had been on the top deck. He was at the helm leaning on the  steering wheel looking out at the waves. That is until he saw a little yellow car out of the corner of his eye. His bright blue sailor eyes lite up with jog as he soon got off the ship and ran towards it.

Emma still dressed in her PJs, went into the store and got the box of pregnancy test,  then went and paid. As soon as the cashier handed her the reseat, Hook walked in the door.

"Emma..." he said in a low tone as a smile came upon his face.

'Shit. The last person I want to see.' She then took it and thanked the man as she walked out of the store, going right past him not speaking a word. She then walked to her car parked up the street.

Hook ran after her once again, all ready being out of breath from running the first time "Swan Please... We both know we need to talk."

She ignored him, just not wanting to deal with this right now. She kept walking to her car and reached for the door handle, as Hook soon came up and blocked it right in time.

"Give me 10 minutes." He said breathless from seeing her as well as running. 

She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Why? Why haven't you called? Texted? I have been worried sick about you." He preached "Are you mad? Upset with me? Because frankly I am all ears."

She looked down the whole time, holding the bag tight in her hands as she crossed her arms over her chest 'I'm not mad. Im- just scared, but I frankly don't have time for this.' "Move." She reached for the door handle but he blocked it again.

"No. I have the right to know. Why? Is it just me? Is it you? Do you just need space? Because honestly-" He lowered his tone "Sweetheart, I deserve to know what I did wrong."

Emma saw the look in his eyes. She knew he really did care and wanted to know "It's not you... Killian. It's just me. Now move."  She gave him a pleading look.

"What is wrong? Or did you just use me as your one night toy?"

"No. Not at all. Just please... Hook." She tried to push him out of the way, but instead she ended up dropping the

Bag making the box drop out. Her mouth dropped as she saw him lean down and pick it up.

Hook studied the box. He knew what it was and what they were. He then drawn his eyes off the box and looked straight to hers "You think your pregnant?" He said in a soft, mild, mellow tone worried.

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