2 Lines That Had Changed Everything

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Hook was sailing the blue, ocean, seas. It had been a year and a half since he left Emma in Storybrooke. All he could think about was Emma, every night he was on his ship. 'Do I have a living child? That is mine?' He couldn't stop thinking about it. In Fact he was heading back to the town at this very moment.

It was early around 7 in the morning when William had awoken, crying. Emma quickly got up and tended her now 9 month old son "Shhh Shhh Mommy's here."

Emma had done everything by herself. In the 9 months that she pregnant she was having to buy her new apartment, 2 bedrooms for her and the baby. She had managed to afford all the supplies for the baby by getting gifts and breaking into her life

Savings. She also had to get less work hours so she could have more time with William. Emma had trouble sleeping with William waking up crying all the time. She loved him more then anything, just wish she could have more help.

Emma rarely thought of Hook. She really didn't have to in the first place. Why add another problem to her 90 others? But in the case she did have time, that is went she would cry. Emma wanted him.. she missed him and wanted William to see and meet his birth father, but ehe knew she was out of her head asking for that.

William had kept crying. Emms then grabbed his baby blue blanket and wrapped him up holding him close looking down in his sea blue eyes "You are so much like your daddy." She smiled and walking into the kitchen "You hungry baby?" She went and got some water and began to warm up the bottle.

He continued to cry Emma holding him close as she soon began feeding him the bottle. She jiggled it in his little mouth as he looked at her drinking it, fussing slightly.

She made her way over to the couch him finished. She propped him up on the couch putting a pillow beside him  so he wouldn't fall.

Emma then went into his nursery, and grabbed some wipes, a diaper, and a new onesie.

As William saw his mother enter the room he was in again he giggled "What? What is it my boy?" He giggled again hearing her voice and she began to change him.

He was now all clean and dressed as Emma picked him up kissing his little cheek "You wanna go for a walk? Mommy still needs to get her figure back from having you." She wiggled his little  feet. She wasn't to big mainly looked the same infact but had gained just a few pounds.

Hook had soon made it back to the Storybrooke docs within 2 hours that he had set sail. He quickly got off and made his way towards her old apartment.

Emma was out running her regular route. She'd run out by the docks then back around to grannies for a bite to eat. She was wearing her black sweat pants and work out jacket go match running with the stroller.

Hook had seen the runner from a distance and took 1 look at her knowing it could possibly be Emma. 'Mmm those blonde locks, and her hips.' he thought, and knew her shape from having of stared often. The girl was fast though he couldn't catch up, so he took a chance at it being her and yelled out in that Irish tone she had come to love "Emma!" 

She heard the voice over her music playing threw her head phones. She took one out looking around questioning.

"Swan!" He began to run towards her, soon approaching with a jog.

Emma was blown back by him being here in the moment. Her first instinct was to pull the shade down to cover and protect her son getting in front of the stroller to talk to him "Killian- I- What? What the hell are you doing here?!" She said angered and excited at the same time.

"I came back... I came back to say I was sorry love and that I never meant to hurt you, I love you Em- ." He looked into her eyes with every word, she taking it sincerely. His eyes got drawn to the stroller "Y-Y-Y-You were pregnant?" 'You left her fucking pregnant and alone.' He felt guilt rush threw him feeling terrible about his actions.

Emma put her hand on the stroller not wanting him to see William. That had been the second time, pregnant and left to fend for herself. She wanted to just give in, she still cared and loved him but her walls said no "Yes... Yes I was pregnant Killian."

"Emma- I- I'm sorry. You just need to know you are my everything. I have missed you, I can't stop thinking about you. I left with your asking... and I shouldn't have listened. I was stupid and-"

She put her finger on his lip "Shhh. if you get any more passionate you're going to scare him. Besides Kill- Hook You can't just come back here pretending nothing happened."

"And i'm not asking for that, I just want you to know I do care and love, you both." He gestures to his son.

"I forgive you. Just give me time."

Killian gave and smile and looked down at the stroller again not believing life he created could ever be there "Boy?"

"Yes." She heard Willam start to fuss slightly from being still. Emma then began to push him back and forth gently.

"Is- is he ok? Is he crying? Am I making him afraid as you said? What is the lads name?" Killian wanted to see him, hold him, cuddle him, just know he was ok.

Emma smiled at the new father being so worried about the boy  "I promise you he is fine, just wanting me to hold him." She then put her hand in the stroller stroking Williams little head so he knew she was there with him "His name is Will... William Killian Swan."

"William." He smiled as the name rang through his ears 'Thats my son.'

"Emma love why don't you take him-"

She knew what he was going to say "As soon as I take him out he won't go back in. He is just fussy because it's his nap time... I Should be going, but glad to know your back." She gave him a smile as she began to jog back home.

As soon as Emma left he had wished he would have asked to seen his in those first moments being in his presents.

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