Glad~Stylenny (South Park.)

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Yo, Stan getting wrongly diagnosed with Aspergers interested me, I'm currently in the process of finding out if I'm on the spectrum myself (bit late as I'm in my teens but I have been depressed and have had social anxiety so long they didn't even think about it before I stated my inability to take injustice. So I'm describing myself through Stan here... I'm not sure what's relevant but I thought it would be interesting). So I made an AU where Stan does have Aspergers.
Warnings: Obviously I'm not therapist or doctor but Stan most definitely doesn't show the behaviour needed; Butters actually shows more of it as well as Kyle. But I felt Stan has the kind of familiarity with it that the AU isn't out of the blue. Cursing as well.
Ages: 15.
Stan's POV.

I've always avoided people's eyes... don't get me wrong, they're pretty... but looking people in them is just... wrong. Besides that, i struggled to get a grip on language.... I think A/an stabbed me in the back for the longest time. And don't get me started on Spanish or Swedish or hell, French... it's frustrating enough to have lacked your own language for so long; lacking in all the others feels like a stab through the heart. I had to train myself, continuously, for years to get the grip on English others got and I'm still behind in aspects. Spanish was an another one where I took forever but became better than a lot of other people. Then when we started learning French, I was exhausted. I can't take three languages when I struggle with the first two!

I never lacked in empathy I'm guessing but if you did something wrong, my empathy wasn't quite there. It felt more important you respect the law and shit than the fact you have emotions. I never liked lies... but I started both breaking the law and lying at certain points. I don't know... depression probably made me do it.

There's one thing I'm good at; mastering one thing. I can't focus to two things, I have one interest at a time. I will master guitar and then start writing and then jump to painting... I don't know if that's really a sign of the whole Aspergers thing but.... huh? Who knows? Maybe that has something to do with it!

It sounds stupid but I do approach people, unlike some people say that people on the spectrum should do. It's always awkward and I go into a shell, I can't leave a situation before the other person... you might find it cute to say 'no, you hang up'..... I don't. You have to leave first or else I WILL have a panic thing about accidentally leaving you hanging.

People say I'm rude because I rant.... no, i just can't find myself talking otherwise. I can't make friends outside of texting; there I can think my move through. I'm much different when texting than in real life... I tend to come off more relaxed while texting.

I have guidelines for all people, rules. I know who to approach with a mask and who to not approach. And if I wear the wrong one, Jesus Christ I'd rather not think about it. I know, in technicality, about feelings but I tend to hurt them nonetheless. I don't like doing it but it's something I do... and it feels awful but I don't know where to stop it.

I walk the same way as well. Seems funny but I have two roads to school, I will ALWAYS take the right one; even in a hurry and that one blocked. I have three ways home but only one way to school. I hit my face pretty bad once because I couldn't go the better route.

Another thing I do is like.... make images? Like I'll take a pencil and it has to be just right. However, I hoard and have a messy room and that doesn't stop me... I have a problem stopping that behaviour or seeing my room clean... might just be me though.

I tend to talk about guitar, writing and musicals... slip in school and family issues. People are scared of that; I don't have other things really. I try to find other things but i have a distinct interest so often that it's hard; conversations tend to circle.

I have a 'tic' as they call it as well; clapping. Repetitive motor behaviour is better for it; tic doesn't have a rhythm... I do. I fidget with my hands, any way I can actually.

One of those things people find interesting and kept me from diagnosis is that I actually like fiction... but I also like non-fiction... it's just me seeing how awful this world is and wanting better.

I do not have an issue with sarcasm or irony, before that is asked someway, another thing keeping me from diagnosis for pretty long. I do have to check through so I will ask 'Is that sarcasm?' However, I have learned what certain presses mean and am actually pretty sarcastic myself.

I have problems with all three of those average things; motor skills, sleep and emotions. I can also tell small changes, which is a pretty awesome ability. I do fail dementia tests sometimes but that's because it's hard to pay attention to it sometimes when my focus is currently on music or writing or something. I also hear extremely well and get anxiety attacks from certain pitches half of my classroom can't hear. Not fun in physics. As well as that, I'm overly sensitive to light. But I'm insensitive to smell, which probably has nothing to do with this but I found it funny.

Also, clumsiness... I don't know if it's true but I, at least, am extremely clumsy to the point I have given up on being able to go on ice. Which is sad because COLORADO IS SLIPPERY.

I have extreme trouble sleeping, something we've gotten to calling insomnia. But depression balances it out that I wake up so early, I can stare at the ceiling for ages with nothing in my mind, as if asleep. Admittedly, describing emotions isn't as hard for me as it seems but finding a reason for feeling is hard as hell. I'm just really fucking sad, okay?! I don't need a reason!

But placing other people's emotions is even harder, I can't see how they're feeling. I have gone to ask 'what's wrong' from people that are newly wed and crying of happiness... I also do have a tendency with an inability to understand what my actions make others feel.... once I figure it out, it's great and I feel empathy. It just takes a while if you won't tell me what the fuck is wrong.

But hey, that's what therapy is for. And for now, with help reading emotions, I have a happy relationship with Kyle and Kenny.

"Yo, retard, everyone home?" Kenny asks.

"Yeah, here."

"Whatcha thinking about?" Kyle asks.

"What I'm gonna write in the letter when I tell certain family members about me having Aspergers."

"Better mention us."

"Of course I will."

We all do our turns with kissing. Goddamnit I'm glad to have them.

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