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Headcannon: Sally Jackson lived a long happy life. Her house became a temporary home for any demigod or kid living on the street who needed food, medical attention or a place to sleep. When she died, a goddess summoned her to Olympus and returned her to her prime, which was when she was middle aged. Sally Jackson was then granted immortality from this goddess. And from that day on, for all eternity, Sally Jackson served as the one and only handmaiden of the goddess Hestia.

Now, on with the story!

I smile down at the words on my arm. As soon as I washed off my end of our conversation from earlier she did too. I love how careful she is to not let me get in trouble, how understanding about Gabe, about how little I can talk to her. I'm really lucky I have an amazing soulmate like her. The words I'm currently grinning at like an idiot aren't even a message to me. No, they're just a to do list. She always does this. It's like as soon as she washes off our conversations she forgets that she can communicate with me and suddenly her arm is where she writes down anything and everything. It never makes any sense to me, and it probably doesn't make sense to anyone but her. It's just phrases and random words written as a list with bullet points. I can make sense of some things but not much. For example I can understand, such as "pick up boys from school" but I have no idea what "foundation, file 22" is supposed to mean. But I love looking at it. I love when she writes little lists like this. It's a cute little quirk and I feel like she'll have a million more when I finally meet her.  Like the fact that she never writes me in the same colour, it's always different. I can't wait to meet her. To talk with her for hours and hours. I want to walk around holding hands and meet her little brothers whom she loves so much. Bobby and Matthew are their names, I think that's what she told me.

A sliver of fire flashes across my cheek and my happy thoughts are immediately replaced with worry. This morning I had thought Gabe had snuck up on me when I felt the blow that knocked me sideways into the wall of my kitchen. When no further blow followed and I realized that Gabe had already left for work I realized it had been a shared hit, which meant it had happened to my soulmate. My love. My angel. I was so worried I immediately wrote a message asking if she was ok. It had been a hard hit and when I looked in the mirror there was a big red handprint on my cheek, not to mention the fact that it hurt like a bitch. After I was done freaking out about my soulmate I got angry. So incredibly angry that someone would dare strike my soulmate. I wanted to punch them. I wanted to make them hurt a thousand times worse than they hurt her. I wanted them to regret ever laying a hand on the most amazing girl in the world. I was so angry I wasn't looking where I was going and I bumped into Annabeth Chase.

Gosh. Annabeth Chase. She's beautiful, smart, kind, athletic, basically completely perfect. In case you haven't figured it out I have a huge crush on Annabeth Chase. I have for years. I know that sounds bad considering I was just talking about my soulmate and now I'm talking about Annabeth but I've been thinking about it and I don't see any reason why Annabeth couldn't be my soulmate. I hope she is. How amazing would that be? The only problem is I'm to afraid to try to find out in case Annabeth isn't my soulmate. I know, I know, I'm a hopelessly stupid romantic and the chances of things working out in my favour are astronomical but hey, a guy can dream right?

 Suddenly the shrill sound of the bell rings snapping me out of my thoughts. I close my magh textbook and rush out of the classroom. I have biology next and since it's my favorite subject I don't want to be late. When I get to biology I take a seat next to my friend Jason. He is generally viewed as the stereotypical "Golden Boy" image. He has blue eyes, blonde hair and usually perfect posture. However, today his face is paler than usual and he's hunched over in his seat hugging his stomach. Is he sick?

"Hey man, are you ok?" I ask as I take my binder out of my backpack and try to find last nights homework. I'm not exactly what you would call organized.

Jason nods.

"Are you sure? You look like youre going to throw up."

"I'm fine. Just...You know...cramps." 

I hiss and nod in sympathy. I drop the subject. Sympathy pain always sucks and sympathy period cramps hurt like a bitch and are always a super awkward topic of conversation among guys. See, nobody ever tells guys that you can feel your soulmates period cramps so the first time guys feel them they think they're super sick or dying. Then some adult, (in my case the school nurse) laughs and explains what happening. After that it's basically a taboo topic.

Behind us I hear a snicker. Jason and I whip around to see a golden haired boy trying and failing to turn his laugh into a couch.

"What?" Jason asks defensively.

"Nothing." the boy, who I recognize as Will Solace says unconvincingly. 

"What?" Jason asks again.

Will finally mages to pull himself together. "It's just funny hearing strait boys complain more about period cramps than girls do."

"Dude, they hurt." I tell him.

"I wouldn't know." He says amiably, "I'm gay. I don't get cramps."

"Lucky you." Jason groans, hugging his stomach again. "I'm going to get advil." He stumbles out of the class.

I continue talking to Will until the class starts. After class I head to lunch with my friends Jason and Frank. On the way to the cafeteria I pass throngs of people, as usual a few jump out at me. Annabeth walks past arguing loudly with a girl with choppy brown hair. A girl with dark circles under her eyes rushes past me turning into a classroom. A girl with long light brown hair tied back in a braid elbows past me, an almost dreamy look on her face. 

Finally I turn into the cafeteria. Jason slumps into a seat with a groan, frank plops down beside him and I take my usual seat across from Frank. Lunchtime is more subdued than usual on account of Jason not feeling well, me trying to copy Franks algebra homework and Frank...well, Frank is just being Frank. He's always been quiet and ever since his mom died last year he's been even quieter. I know he was really close to his mom and it's clear he's still grieving. Jason and I don't know what to do other than be there for him. His grandmother is worried about him too, Frank told us she's trying to make him go to grief counselling. I honestly don't think that would help him. The only thing that ever seems to put him in a good mood is his soulmate. She writes him sometimes but not much. Frank refuses to tell us much about her.

I wish she would write to him more. I wish he would meet her already. He needs her.

I finish copying the homework and give Frank his copy back. I'm just taking a bite out of my pizza when the writing appears on my arm. I smile thinking she's just adding another note to her little to do list but my smile fades as I look at the note. I frown in worry. The short note is written in red marker, her usual massy script is so messy it's nearly illegible. When I finally make out what it says my heart drops. I can't help but worry.

Can you write to me later? I know you usually can't and I'm sorry this could get you in trouble with Gabe but I...I just really need someone right now.

The next little note she writes breaks my heart. 

Never mind. You've got enough to worry about anyway. Besides why would you even care? How could anybody care about me?

What the hell happened?

Sorry it's a short chapter. I didn't have any inspiration.

Ink and Bruises (Heroes of Olympus Soulmates AU)Where stories live. Discover now