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I still suck at updating, I know. This is the next Frazel chapter, I'm sure you'll have figured out by the time you've finished the chapter, but it starts the Sunday after the party and ends on the Monday night when Percabeth got injured. Anyway, enough rambling, enjoy the chapter!

It's Sunday and I'm just pulling a pan of brownies out of the oven at the diner when the bell over the door rings and Frank walks in. He looks happier than the last time I saw him, which was a few weeks ago, unfortunately. It's not like I like him or anything but he was so sweet and kind, even though he was sad. By the time he left I felt like we were friends, like we had known him for a long time. And I have to admit, I had kinda hoped I'd see him the next day...and I was kinda upset when he didn't show. But he's here now, and this time he's smiling and laughing along with two other boys.

"Frank!" I call, waving to him as I step out from behind the counter.

"Hazel!" His grin widens when he spots me and he pulls me into a hug.

I stiffen in surprise before I relax into his embrace. He smells nice, like fabric softener and a hint of mint.

Someone clears their throat.

Frank and I spring apart, his face flushing red. Ducking my head with embarrassment I scurry back behind the counter.

"So...um...what can I get for you guys?" I ask Frank and his friends, desperately trying to avoid eye contact with Frank and ending up looking at the wickedly grinning blond haired guy who cleared his throat earlier. When I catch his eye he grins at me teasingly and I quickly look down at my fingers.

"Can we have some of those brownies?" Frank asks, smiling at me softly.

"For sure!" I answer too quickly, his warm smile making me feel a little flustered. His cheeks are a bit pink though, which makes me feel a bit better. "Anything else?"

"That's it, I think." Frank hands over the money, and I hand over their brownies and with a final somewhat shy smile and a wave, Frank and his two friends walk off to a booth leaving me to get back to work.

All through my shift I can't help but sneak glances at Frank and his friends. I notice his friends (who I now recongnize as Jason Grace, the captain of the football team and Leo Valdez, Goode Highs newest student, a slightly mysterious basket case) tease him a few times and Frank's face go bright red but I'm not stupid enough to think they're talking about me. I mean come on, he's adorable, and muscular, plus he's on the school's football team. (No, I haven't been stalking him, I saw him at a distance in the hallway a few days ago.) I'm a sophomore who is way too tired and overworked and skinny and way too busy to even be thinking about this. SHUT UP BRAIN!!

"So," Gwen says with a sly smile as she passes me, coffee pot in hand "who's the hottie you've been eyeing all day?"

"What?" I squeak, "who? I haven't been eyeing anyone!"

"Tell that to the very cute muscular hottie at that table over there, who's been checking you out too by the way." She says, jerking her head in the direction of Frank's table.

"Oh my god! No he hasn't, shut up!" I whisper shout, smacking her with a dish towel, "what if he hears you?"

Gwen laughs. "Just cause you're flirting doesn't mean anything'll happen between you two. You both have soul mates after all."

"Shut up!" I hiss, "I'm not flirting!"

Gwen gives me a shit eating grin. "Whatever you say."

I glare at her, throwing up the finger, as she flounces away, looking over her shoulder and giving me a cheery wink.

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