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This ones a long chapter folks! Over 7000 words! To be clear I know literally nothing about how addresses work for apartment buildings in New York, which is probably very obvious in this chapter.

Ugh. Math.

I'm literally useless at this. I mean seriously though, when am I actually going to use cartesian coordinate systems in real life?

I'm about to go get another snack as an excuse to procrastinate even further when my phone rings and Annabeth's number flashes across the screen.

Perfect. Maybe she can help me make sense of this infernal textbook work.

"Hey Annabeth. Perfect timing I was just about to call yo-"

"Piper?" Matthew, one of Annabeth's little brothers answers the phone, sounding panicked.

"Matthew! What's wrong?"

"Annabeth's hurt and mommy and daddy won't answer the phone!"

I can hear someone crying in the background.

"What d'you mean hurt? What happened?"

"She was in the kitchen, and then she screamed, and now there's blood coming out of her head! A lot of blood."

"Did she fall? I mean what- what happened?"

"I don't know!" Matthew's voice is slightly hysterical, "She was on the floor when we found her."

Ok then. Soulmate injury. Mirrored.

"Is that her I hear crying? Did she ask you to call me?"

"No that's Bobby crying. Annabeth won't wake up."

Oh fuck. She's actually seriously hurt. Holy shit. I bolt down the stairs, grabbing my keys from my pocket and keeping my phone pressed to my ear as I start my car and pull out of the driveway.

"Matthew I need you to listen to me very carefully, ok?"

His childish voice crackles through my phone's speaker. "Ok."

"Is Annabeth making any noise at all? Whimpering? Crying? Anything?" I demand.

He takes a moment before responding and I can only assume he's checking to see if she's awake.

"No. She's still asleep and we can't wake her up. Bobby tried."

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck, she's unconscious. Holy shit. Oh my god.

"Ok Matthew, I need you to check if Annabeth is breathing ok? Can you do that?"


Oh my god. What if she's not breathing? What if she's dead?

He's quiet for a minute and I can hear a muffled conversation between him and Bobby.

"Yes she is breathing. I can see her chest moving. "

Oh thank god.

"But there's a lot of blood coming out of her head and Bobby says its not stopping."

"Matthew listen to me ok? I need you and Bobby to find something to try to bandage her head."


"I'm going to hang up now and call an ambulance for Annabeth ok? I'm on my way to your house and I'll be there soon."


"I promise. Bye buddy. Stay with Annabeth ok? And call me if she stops breathing?"

"I will. Bye Piper."

Ink and Bruises (Heroes of Olympus Soulmates AU)Where stories live. Discover now